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Errors for the taCreateItemVendors Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateItemVendors
3246 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateItemVendorsPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3247 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateItemVendors stored procedure | | Edit |
3248 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3249 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
3250 | The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed does not currently exist in Item Master table - IV00101 | | Edit |
3251 | Vendor ID (VENDORID) is empty | | Edit |
3252 | The Vendor ID (VENDORID) passed does not currently exist in Vendor Master table - PM00200 | | Edit |
3253 | QTY Requisitioned (QTYRQSTN) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3254 | Average Lead Time (AVRGLDTM) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3255 | Number of Receipts (NORCTITM) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3256 | Minimum Order QTY (MINORQTY) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3257 | Maximum Order QTY (MAXORDQTY) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3258 | Economic Order QTY (ECORDQTY) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3259 | Last Originating Cost (Last_Originating_Cost) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3260 | The Last_Currency_ID (Last_Currency_ID) passed does not currently exist in DYNAMICS..MC40200 table | | Edit |
3261 | The Free On Board value (FREEONBOARD) is invalid - 1 = None, 2 = Origin, & 3 = Destination | | Edit |
3262 | The Purchasing Unit of Measure (PRCHSUOM) passed does not currently exist in IV00106 table for this Item Number | | Edit |
3263 | The Planning Lead Time (PLANNINGLEADTIME) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3264 | The Order Multiple (ORDERMULTIPLE) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3265 | The Items Maximum Order QTY (MAXORDQTY) can not be < the Items Minimum Order QTY (MINORQTY) | | Edit |
3266 | The Items Maximum Order QTY (MAXORDQTY) can not be < the Items Economic Order QTY (ECORDQTY) | | Edit |
3267 | The Items Maximum Order QTY (MAXORDQTY) can not be < the Order Multiple QTY (ORDERMULTIPLE) | | Edit |
3268 | Unable to insert into the Item Vendor Master Table - IV00103 | | Edit |
3269 | Unable to update the Item/Vendor record - IV00103 | | Edit |
3270 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateItemVendorsPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3697 | The requester trx value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |