6542 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taCreateIVItemClassPre returned an error value | | Edit |
6543 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for the Inventory Class Insert | | Edit |
6544 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6545 | The Item Class ID (ITMCLSCD) is empty | | Edit |
6546 | The Item Class Description (ITMCLSDC) is empty | | Edit |
6547 | The Default Class value (DEFLTCLS) is invalid (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6548 | You are attempting to set this as the Default Class (DEFLTCLS = 1) but you already have a default class setup - you can only have one default class | | Edit |
6549 | The Item Type (ITEMTYPE) value is invalid - (1=Sales Inventory,2=Discontinued,3=Kit,4=Misc. Charges,5=Services & 6=Flat Fee) | | Edit |
6550 | The Item Tracking Option (ITMTRKOP) value is invalid - (1=None,2=Serial Numbers & 3=Lots) | | Edit |
6551 | The Lot Type (LOTTYPE) does not exist in the Item Lot Category Setup Table - IV40500 | | Edit |
6552 | The Item Tracking Option (ITMTRKOP) is not set to track lots (this would be ITMTRKOP=3 if you were tracking lots) and you are still trying to pass a Lot Type (LOTTYPE<>'') this is invalid | | Edit |
6553 | The Keep Period History Value (KPERHIST) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6554 | The Keep Trx History Value (KPTRXHST) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6555 | The Keep Calendar History Value (KPCALHST) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6556 | The Keep Calendar History Value (KPDSTHST) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6557 | The Allow Back Orders Value (ALWBKORD) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6558 | The Sales Tax Option (TAXOPTNS) is invalid - (1=Taxable,2=Non-Taxable & 3=Base on Customers) | | Edit |
6559 | The Sales Tax Schedule ID (ITMTSHID) - Sales Tax Schedule does not exist in the TX00101 Table | | Edit |
6560 | The Tax Option is not set to taxable (which would be TAXOPTNS=1) but you are trying to pass a Sales Tax Schedule (ITMTSHID) this is invalid | | Edit |
6561 | The Purchase Tax Option (Purchase_Tax_Options) is invalid - (1=Taxable,2=Non-Taxable & 3=Base on Vendor) | | Edit |
6562 | The Purchase Tax Schedule ID (Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu) - Purchase Tax Schedule does not exist in the TX00101 Table | | Edit |
6563 | The Tax Option is not set to taxable (which would be Purchase_Tax_Options=1) but you are trying to pass a Purchase Tax Schedule (Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu) this is invalid | | Edit |
6564 | The Unit of Measure Schedule (UOMSCHDL) does not exist in the Inventory UofM Schedule Setup Table - IV40201 | | Edit |
6565 | The Valuation Method is invalid (1=FIFO Perpetual, 2=LIFO Perpetual, 3=Average Perpetual, 4=FIFO Periodic, & 5=LIFO Periodic) | | Edit |
6566 | The User Category One value (USCATVLS_1) - does not exist in the Item Category Setup Table - IV40600 | | Edit |
6567 | The User Category Two value (USCATVLS_2) - does not exist in the Item Category Setup Table - IV40600 | | Edit |
6568 | The User Category Three value (USCATVLS_3) - does not exist in the Item Category Setup Table - IV40600 | | Edit |
6569 | The Decimal Place Qty is invalid (1=0,2=1,3=2,4=3,5=4,6=5) | | Edit |
6570 | The Account Number for (Inventory_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6571 | The Account Number for (Inventory_Offset_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6572 | The Account Number for (Cost_of_Goods_Sold_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6573 | The Account Number for (Sales_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6574 | The Account Number for (Markdowns_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6575 | The Account Number for (Sales_Returns_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6576 | The Account Number for (In_Use_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6577 | The Account Number for (In_Service_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6578 | The Account Number for (Damaged_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6579 | The Account Number for (Variance_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6580 | The Account Number for (Drop_Ship_Items_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6581 | The Account Number for (Purchase_Price_Variance_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6582 | The Account Number for (Unrealized_Purchase_Price_Variance_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6583 | The Account Number for (Inventory_Returns_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6584 | The Account Number for (Assembly_Variance_Acct) does not exist in the GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
6585 | The Price Level (PRCLEVEL) passed does not exist in the IV40800 Table | | Edit |
6586 | The Price Group (PriceGroup) passed does not exist in the IV40900 Table | | Edit |
6587 | The Price Method value (PRICMTHD) is invalid - (1=Currency Amount, 2=% of List Price, 3=% Markup - Current Cost, 4=% Markup - Standard Cost, 5=% Margin - Currency Cost & 6=% Margin - Standard Cost) | | Edit |
6588 | The Revalue Inventory value (Revalue_Inventory) is invalid - (0=False & 1=True) | | Edit |
6589 | The Tolerance_Percentage value (Tolerance_Percentage) can not be < 0 or > 9999.999 | | Edit |
6590 | Unable to insert/create the Item Class in IV40400 Table | | Edit |
6591 | Post Custom Business Logic in taCreateIVItemClassPost returned an error value | | Edit |
6592 | The Item Type is a kit (ITEMTYPE = 3) the Valuation Method can not be anything but FIFO Perpetual (VCTNMTHD = 1) | | Edit |
6593 | The Item Type is a kit (ITEMTYPE = 3) the Item Tracking Option can not be anything but none (ITMTRKOP = 1) | | Edit |
6594 | The Item Type is a Misc. Charge (ITEMTYPE = 4) the Valuation Method can not be anything but FIFO Perpetual (VCTNMTHD = 1) | | Edit |
6595 | The Item Type is a Misc. Charge (ITEMTYPE = 4) the Item Tracking Option can not be anything but none (ITMTRKOP = 1) | | Edit |
6596 | The Item Type is a Service (ITEMTYPE = 5) the Valuation Method can not be anything but FIFO Perpetual (VCTNMTHD = 1) | | Edit |
6597 | The Item Type is a Service (ITEMTYPE = 5) the Item Tracking Option can not be anything but none (ITMTRKOP = 1) | | Edit |
6598 | The Item Type is a Flat Fee (ITEMTYPE = 6) the Valuation Method can not be anything but FIFO Perpetual (VCTNMTHD = 1) | | Edit |
6599 | The Item Type is a Flat Fee (ITEMTYPE = 6) the Item Tracking Option can not be anything but none (ITMTRKOP = 1) | | Edit |
8685 | The Lot Expiration Warning flag is out of range (0 = no warnings; 1 = warning enabled) | | Edit |
8686 | Days Before Lot Expiration is out of range (0 - 999) | | Edit |
11768 | The UseQtyOverageTolerance can not be 1 when ITEMTYPE is not 1 or 2 | | Edit |
11769 | The UseQtyShortageTolerance can not be 1 when ITEMTYPE is not 1 or 2 | | Edit |
11770 | The UseQtyOverageTolerance can not be < 0 or > 1 | | Edit |
11771 | The UseQtyShortageTolerance can not be < 0 or > 1 | | Edit |
11772 | The QtyOverTolerancePercent can not be < 0 or > 99999 | | Edit |
11773 | The QtyShortTolerancePercent can not be < 0 or > 99999 | | Edit |