2729 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DEDTRMAX_3 > DEDTRMAX_4 | | Edit |
3685 | The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4066 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeDeductionPre returned an error value | | Edit |
4067 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for employee deductions | | Edit |
4068 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) is blank | | Edit |
4069 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) passed does not exist in the Employee Master table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
4070 | The Deduction Code (DEDUCTON) is blank | | Edit |
4071 | The Deduction Code (DEDUCTON) passed does not exist in the Deduction Setup table - UPR40900 | | Edit |
4072 | The UseDefaultCoDeduction is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4073 | The Inactive Flag (INACTIVE) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4074 | The Deduction Begin Date (DEDBEGDT) is blank - if you want to default off the Deduction Code set UseDefaultCoDeduction = 1 | | Edit |
4075 | The Based on Records value (BSDORCDS) is invalid - 0 or 1 are the valid values | | Edit |
4160 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DEDTRMAX_4 > DEDTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
4161 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DETRMXUN_1 > DETRMXUN_2 | | Edit |
4162 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DETRMXUN_2 > DETRMXUN_3 | | Edit |
4163 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DETRMXUN_3 > DETRMXUN_4 | | Edit |
4164 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DETRMXUN_4 > DETRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
4165 | The Data Entry Default value (DATAENTDFLT) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4166 | The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4176 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4177 | Unable to insert into the Deduction Master Table - UPR00500 | | Edit |
4179 | Unable to update the Deduction Master Table - UPR00500 | | Edit |
4180 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeDeductionPost returned an error value | | Edit |
4562 | The TSA Federal Tax value (SFRFEDTX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are the valid values | | Edit |
4563 | The TSA FICA Tax value (SHFRFICA) is invalid - 0 or 1 are the valid values | | Edit |
4564 | The TSA State Tax value (SHFRSTTX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are the valid values | | Edit |
4565 | The TSA Local Tax value (SFRLCLTX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are the valid values | | Edit |
4566 | The Deduction Frequency value (DEDNFREQ) is invalid - 1 thru 8 are the valid values | | Edit |
4567 | The Deduction Method value (DEDNMTHD) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are the valid values | | Edit |
4568 | The Deduction Formula value (DEDFRMLA) is invalid - 0 = Single or 1 = Multiple Tier are valid values | | Edit |
4569 | The DEDNPRCT_1 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4570 | The DEDNPRCT_2 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4571 | The DEDNPRCT_3 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4572 | The DEDNPRCT_4 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4573 | The DEDNPRCT_5 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4574 | The Maximum Deduction Pay Period - (DEPYPRMX) can not be > Maximum Deduction Year - (DEDYRMAX) | | Edit |
4575 | The Maximum Deduction Pay Period - (DEPYPRMX) can not be > Maximum Deduction Life - (DEDLTMAX) | | Edit |
4576 | The Maximum Deduction Year - (DEDYRMAX) can not be > Maximum Deduction Life Time - (DEDLTMAX) | | Edit |
4577 | The W-2 Box number (W2BXNMBR) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
4578 | You are not allowed to have the Data Entry checkbox marked (DATAENTDFLT = 1) and the Transaction Required CheckBox unmarked (VARDEDTN = 0) | | Edit |
4579 | The Deduction Method is % of Gross Wages or % of Net Wages (DEDNMTHD = 1 or DEDNMTHD = 2) and values are being placed into Deduction Amt (DEDCAMNT_1 thru DEDCAMNT_5) - this is invalid | | Edit |
4580 | The Deduction Method is Fixed Amt or Amt Per Unit (DEDNMTHD = 3 or DEDNMTHD = 4) and values are being placed into Deduction % (DEDNPRCT_1 thru DEDNPRCT_5) - this is invalid | | Edit |
4581 | The Deduction Method is not Amount Per Unit (DEDNMTHD <> 4) and values are being placed into Deduction Tier Max Units (DETRMXUN_1 thru DETRMXUN_5) - this is invalid | | Edit |
4582 | The Deduction Formula is Single (DEDFRMLA = 0) and you are attempting to insert Tier information into this Deduction (DEDCAMNT_2 thru DEDCAMNT_5 or DEDTRMAX_1 thru DEDTRMAX_5) | | Edit |
4583 | A Tax Sheltered Annuity can not be calculated on a percentage of Net Wages - choose another Deduction method or Unmark the TSA | | Edit |
4584 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DEDTRMAX_1 > DEDTRMAX_2 | | Edit |
4585 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have DEDTRMAX_2 > DEDTRMAX_3 | | Edit |
11307 | The W-2 Box number 2 (W2BXNMBR2) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
11308 | The W-2 Box number 3 (W2BXNMBR2) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
11309 | The W-2 Box number 4 (W2BXNMBR2) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
11995 | The SHFRFICAMED parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
20169 | The method Amount per Unit is not permitted for garnishments | | Edit |
20178 | This is a Standard Deduction you can not pass Garnishment Information | | Edit |
20179 | This is a Garnishment Deduction you can not pass Standard Deduction Information | | Edit |
20180 | The Federal Maximum Selected (FEDMAXDED) passed does not exist in the UPR41800 table | | Edit |
20192 | The Maximum Fiscal Year Deduction (Deduction_Fiscal_Yr_Max) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
20193 | The Maximum Deduction Fiscal Year (Deduction_Fiscal_Yr_Max) can not be > Maximum Deduction Year (DEDYRMAX) | | Edit |
20194 | The State Maximum Selected (STATEMAXDED) passed does not exist in the UPR41800 table | | Edit |
20195 | The Deduction Type passed is a Garnishment so the Deduction Method can not be Amount Per Unit (DEDNMTHD = 4) | | Edit |
20196 | The Deduction Method passed is not set to Percent of Earnings Wages (DEDNMTHD = 5) so you can not pass an Earnings Code (EARNINGSCODE) | | Edit |
20197 | The Earnings Code (EARNINGSCODE) passed does not exist in the Earnings Code Master Table - UPR41900 | | Edit |
20198 | The Vendor ID (VENDORID) passed does not exist in the Vendor Master table - PM00200 | | Edit |