4319 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateEmployeeClass | | Edit |
4320 | The Employee Class (EMPLCLAS) is blank | | Edit |
4321 | The Employee Class Description (DSCRIPTN) is blank | | Edit |
4322 | The Department (DEPRTMNT) does not exist in the Payroll Department Setup table - UPR40300 | | Edit |
4323 | The Job Title/Position (JOBTITLE) does not exist in the Payroll Position Setup table - UPR40301 | | Edit |
4324 | The SUTA State (SUTASTAT) does not exist in the Payroll State Code Setup table - UPR41100 | | Edit |
4325 | The Workers Compensation (WRKRCOMP) Code does not exist in the Payroll Workers Comp Setup table - UPR40700 | | Edit |
4326 | Minimum Net Pay (MINETPAY) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
4327 | Work Hours Per Year (WKHRPRYR) is invalid - valid range is 0 to 9999 | | Edit |
4328 | The Which Cash Account for Pay (WCACFPAY) is invalid 0 = Checkbook & 1 = Employee | | Edit |
4329 | Accrue Vacation value (ATACRVAC) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4330 | Vacation Accrual Method value (VACCRMTH) is invalid - 0 = Hours Worked & 1 = Set Hours | | Edit |
4331 | Warn When Vacation Available Falls Below Zero value (WRNVCNFLSBLWZR) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4332 | Accrue Sick Time value (ATACRSTM) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4333 | Sick Time Accrual Method value (STMACMTH) is invalid - 0 = Hours Worked & 1 = Set Hours | | Edit |
4334 | Warn When Sick Time Available Falls Below Zero value (WRNSTFLSBLWZR) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4335 | Default from Class (DefaultFromClass) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4336 | The Account Number (AccountNumber) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master | | Edit |
4337 | The Default Class value (DEFLTCLS) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4338 | The Calculate Minimum Wage Balance value (Calc_Min_Wage_Bal) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4339 | The Time of Employment value (EMPLOYMENTTYPE) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are valid values | | Edit |
4340 | Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0) | | Edit |
4341 | Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Amount - (VACCRAMT = 0) | | Edit |
4342 | Accrue Vacation value - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Hours Per Year - (VACAPRYR = 0) | | Edit |
4343 | Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Amt - (VACCRAMT = 0) | | Edit |
4344 | Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 0) | | Edit |
4345 | Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR = 0) | | Edit |
4346 | Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR = 0) | | Edit |
4347 | Sick Time Accrual Method value - (STMACMTH = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Accrual Amt - (SKTMACAM = 0) | | Edit |
4348 | Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0) - Vacation Accrual Amt - (VACCRAMT) must be = 0 | | Edit |
4349 | Accrue Sick Time - (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 0) - Sick Time Accrual Amt - (SKTMACAM) must be = 0 | | Edit |
4350 | Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 1) - Vacation Hours Per Year - (VACAPRYR) must be = 0 | | Edit |
4351 | Accrue Sick Time - (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 1) - Sick Time Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR) must be = 0 | | Edit |
4352 | The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4353 | The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4354 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4355 | Unable to update default class in UPR41200 | | Edit |
4356 | Unable to insert into the Employee Class Master Table - UPR41200 | | Edit |
4357 | Unable to update the Employee Class Master table - UPR41200 | | Edit |
4358 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeClassPost returned an error value | | Edit |
4591 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeClassPre returned an error value | | Edit |