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Errors for the taCreateEmployeeClass Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateEmployeeClass
4319A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateEmployeeClass  Edit
4320The Employee Class (EMPLCLAS) is blank  Edit
4321The Employee Class Description (DSCRIPTN) is blank  Edit
4322The Department (DEPRTMNT) does not exist in the Payroll Department Setup table - UPR40300  Edit
4323The Job Title/Position (JOBTITLE) does not exist in the Payroll Position Setup table - UPR40301  Edit
4324The SUTA State (SUTASTAT) does not exist in the Payroll State Code Setup table - UPR41100  Edit
4325The Workers Compensation (WRKRCOMP) Code does not exist in the Payroll Workers Comp Setup table - UPR40700  Edit
4326Minimum Net Pay (MINETPAY) can not be < 0  Edit
4327Work Hours Per Year (WKHRPRYR) is invalid - valid range is 0 to 9999  Edit
4328The Which Cash Account for Pay (WCACFPAY) is invalid 0 = Checkbook & 1 = Employee  Edit
4329Accrue Vacation value (ATACRVAC) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4330Vacation Accrual Method value (VACCRMTH) is invalid - 0 = Hours Worked & 1 = Set Hours  Edit
4331Warn When Vacation Available Falls Below Zero value (WRNVCNFLSBLWZR) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4332Accrue Sick Time value (ATACRSTM) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4333Sick Time Accrual Method value (STMACMTH) is invalid - 0 = Hours Worked & 1 = Set Hours  Edit
4334Warn When Sick Time Available Falls Below Zero value (WRNSTFLSBLWZR) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4335Default from Class (DefaultFromClass) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4336The Account Number (AccountNumber) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
4337The Default Class value (DEFLTCLS) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4338The Calculate Minimum Wage Balance value (Calc_Min_Wage_Bal) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4339The Time of Employment value (EMPLOYMENTTYPE) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are valid values  Edit
4340Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0)  Edit
4341Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Amount - (VACCRAMT = 0)  Edit
4342Accrue Vacation value - (ATACRVAC = 0) - you have to have Vacation Hours Per Year - (VACAPRYR = 0)  Edit
4343Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0) - you have to have Vacation Accrual Amt - (VACCRAMT = 0)  Edit
4344Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 0)  Edit
4345Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR = 0)  Edit
4346Accrue Sick Time value - (ATACRSTM = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR = 0)  Edit
4347Sick Time Accrual Method value - (STMACMTH = 0) - you have to have Sick Time Accrual Amt - (SKTMACAM = 0)  Edit
4348Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 0) - Vacation Accrual Amt - (VACCRAMT) must be = 0  Edit
4349Accrue Sick Time - (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 0) - Sick Time Accrual Amt - (SKTMACAM) must be = 0  Edit
4350Accrue Vacation - (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method - (VACCRMTH = 1) - Vacation Hours Per Year - (VACAPRYR) must be = 0  Edit
4351Accrue Sick Time - (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method - (STMACMTH = 1) - Sick Time Hours Per Year - (SKTMHPYR) must be = 0  Edit
4352The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
4353The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
4354Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
4355Unable to update default class in UPR41200  Edit
4356Unable to insert into the Employee Class Master Table - UPR41200  Edit
4357Unable to update the Employee Class Master table - UPR41200  Edit
4358Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeClassPost returned an error value  Edit
4591Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeClassPre returned an error value  Edit
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