1492 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_1 > BNFTRMAX_3 | | Edit |
1493 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_1 > BNFTRMAX_4 | | Edit |
1494 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_1 > BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1495 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_2 > BNFTRMAX_4 | | Edit |
1496 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_2 > BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1497 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_3 > BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1498 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_1 > BNTRMXUN_2 | | Edit |
1499 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_2 > BNTRMXUN_3 | | Edit |
1564 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeBenefitPre returned an error value | | Edit |
1565 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateEmployeeBenefit | | Edit |
1566 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) is blank | | Edit |
1567 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) passed does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
1568 | The Benefit Code (BENEFIT) is blank | | Edit |
1646 | The Subject to SUTA Tax value (SBJTSUTA) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
1647 | The Flat Federal Tax Rate (FFEDTXRT) can not be > 0 when you have the Benefit flagged as not Subject to Federal Tax (SBJTFDTX = 0) | | Edit |
1648 | The Flat Federal Tax Rate (FFEDTXRT) can not be < 0 or > 99.99 | | Edit |
1649 | The Flat State Tax Rate (FLSTTXRT) can not be > 0 when you have the Benefit flagged as not Subject to State Tax (SBJTSTTX=0) | | Edit |
1650 | The Flat State Tax Rate (FLSTTXRT) can not be < 0 or > 99.99 | | Edit |
1651 | The Based on Record Type (BORCDTYP) is invalid - 1 & 2 are valid values | | Edit |
1652 | The Based on Record (BSDORCDS) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid values | | Edit |
1653 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are valid values | | Edit |
1654 | The BNFTMTHD = 2 or % of Net Wages - you can not have any of the Subject to Taxes set = 1 | | Edit |
1655 | The BNFTMTHD = 3 or % of Deductions - you can not have the Based On (BORCDTYP = 1) | | Edit |
1656 | The BNFTMTHD = 3 & BORCDTYP = 2 - you must have (BSDORCDS = 1) as you can not base on all Deductions | | Edit |
1657 | The Benefit Method is set to Amt per Unit (BNFTMTHD = 5) you can not have Based on Deductions calculated on units (BORCDTYP = 2) | | Edit |
1658 | The Benefit Formula (BNFFRMLA) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid values | | Edit |
1659 | A Transaction required benefit (VARBENFT = 1) can not have multiple tiers (BNFFRMLA = 1) | | Edit |
1666 | The BNFYRMAX Maximum Benefit Year (BNFYRMAX) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1667 | The BNFLFMAX Maximum Benefit Life Time (BNFLFMAX) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1668 | The Maximum Benefit Pay Period (BNPAYPMX) can not be > Maximum Benefit Year (BNFYRMAX) | | Edit |
1669 | The Maximum Benefit Pay Period (BNPAYPMX) can not be > Maximum Benefit Life Time (BNFLFMAX) | | Edit |
1670 | The Maximum Benefit Year (BNFYRMAX) can not be > Maximum Benefit Life Time (BNFLFMAX) | | Edit |
1671 | The BNFPRCNT_1 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1672 | The BNFPRCNT_2 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1673 | The BNFPRCNT_3 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1674 | The BNFPRCNT_4 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1675 | The BNFPRCNT_5 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1676 | The BNFITAMT_1 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1677 | The BNFITAMT_2 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1678 | The BNFITAMT_3 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1679 | The BNFITAMT_4 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1680 | The BNFITAMT_5 can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1681 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 1) or % of Gross Wages - you can not have a Benefit Amt > 0 | | Edit |
1682 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 1) or % of Gross Wages - you can not have a BNTRMXUN > 0 | | Edit |
1683 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 1) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFPRCNT_2 thru BNFPRCNT_5 | | Edit |
1684 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 1) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFTRMAX_2 thru BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1685 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 2) or % of Net Wages - you can not have a Benefit Amt > 0 | | Edit |
1686 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 2) or % of Net Wages - you can not have a BNTRMXUN > 0 | | Edit |
1687 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 2) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in @I_vBNFPRCNT_2 thru @I_vBNFPRCNT_5 | | Edit |
1688 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 2) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFTRMAX_2 thru BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1689 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 3) or % of Deduction - you can not have a Benefit Amt > 0 | | Edit |
1690 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 3) or % of Deduction - you can not have a BNTRMXUN > 0 | | Edit |
1691 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 3) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFPRCNT_2 thru BNFPRCNT_5 | | Edit |
1692 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 3) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFTRMAX_2 thru BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1693 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 4) or Fixed Amt - you can not have a Benefit %-age > 0 | | Edit |
1694 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 4) or Fixed Amt - you can not have a BNTRMXUN > 0 | | Edit |
1695 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 4) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFITAMT_2 thru BNFITAMT_5 | | Edit |
1696 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 4) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFTRMAX_2 thru vBNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1697 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 5) or Amt Per Unit - you can not have a Benefit %-age > 0 | | Edit |
1698 | The Benefit Method (BNFTMTHD = 5) or Amt Per Unit - you can not have a BNFTRMAX > 0 | | Edit |
1699 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 4) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNFITAMT_2 thru BNFITAMT_5 | | Edit |
1700 | The parameter (BNFTMTHD = 4) & (BNFFRMLA = 0) - you can not have a value <> 0 in BNTRMXUN_2 thru BNTRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
1713 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_1 > BNFTRMAX_2 | | Edit |
1714 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_2 > BNFTRMAX_3 | | Edit |
1715 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_3 > BNFTRMAX_4 | | Edit |
1716 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNFTRMAX_4 > BNFTRMAX_5 | | Edit |
1725 | The W-2 Box number (W2BXNMBR) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
1726 | The Data Entry Default value (DATAENTDFLT) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
1727 | The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
1728 | The BNPAYPMX Maximum Benefit Pay Period (BNPAYPMX) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
1946 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_4 > BNTRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
1947 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_1 > BNTRMXUN_3 | | Edit |
2085 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_1 > BNTRMXUN_4 | | Edit |
2086 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_1 > BNTRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
2087 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_2 > BNTRMXUN_4 | | Edit |
2088 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_2 > BNTRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
2089 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_3 > BNTRMXUN_5 | | Edit |
2090 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2318 | Unable to insert into the Payroll Benefit Master table - UPR00600 | | Edit |
2319 | Unable to update the Payroll Benefit Master table - UPR00600 | | Edit |
2784 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeeBenefitPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3681 | The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
3811 | The Tier is incorrect - you have can not have BNTRMXUN_3 > BNTRMXUN_4 | | Edit |
4078 | The Inactive Flag (INACTIVE) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True | | Edit |
4079 | The Begin Date (BNFBEGDT) is blank - if you want to default off the Deduction Code set UseDefaultCoBenefit = 1 | | Edit |
4080 | The Transaction Required parameter (VARBENFT) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4081 | The Benefit Frequency (BNFTFREQ) parameter is invalid - 1 thru 8 are valid values | | Edit |
4082 | The Subject to Federal Tax value (SBJTFDTX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4083 | The Subject to Social Security Tax value (SBJTSSEC) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4084 | The Subject to Medicare Tax value (SBJTMCAR) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4087 | The Subject to FUTA Tax value (SBJTFUTA) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4510 | The Benefit Code (BENEFIT) passed does not exist in the Benefit Setup Table - UPR40800 | | Edit |
4511 | The UseDefaultCoBenefit parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4595 | The Subject to State Tax value (SBJTSTTX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
4596 | The Subject to Local Tax value (SBJTLTAX) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
5325 | The Data Entry Default can not be set to true (DATAENTDFLT = 1) when the Transaction Required parameter is set to false (VARBENFT = 0) | | Edit |
5326 | The Employer Maximum Match (EMPLRMAXMAT) can not be > 0 when the Benefit Method is not set to % of Deduction (BNFTMTHD <> 3) | | Edit |
5327 | The Employer Maximum Match (EMPLRMAXMAT) can not be < 0 or > 100 | | Edit |
11316 | The W-2 Box number 2 (W2BXNMBR2) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
11317 | The W-2 Box number 3 (W2BXNMBR3) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
11318 | The W-2 Box number 4 (W2BXNMBR4) can not be > 99 | | Edit |
20188 | The Maximum Fiscal Year Benefit (Benefit_Fiscal_Max) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
20189 | The Maximum Benefit Fiscal Year (Benefit_Fiscal_Max) can not be > Benefit Lifetime Maximum (BNFLFMAX) | | Edit |