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Errors for the taCreateCustomerClass Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateCustomerClass
3271Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateCustomerClassPre returned an error value  Edit
3272At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateCustomerClass stored procedure  Edit
3273Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3274Customer Class ID (CLASSID) is empty  Edit
3275Credit Limit Amount (CRLMTAMT) can not be < 0  Edit
3276Credit Limit Period (CRLMTPER) can not be < 0 or > 2 (The valid values are 0=None, 1=Current & 2=Non-Current)  Edit
3277Credit Limit Period Amount (CRLMTPAM) can not be < 0  Edit
3278Default Class (DEFLTCLS) can not be < 0 or > 1 (The valid values are 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3279Credit Limit Type (CRLMTTYP) is invalid - The valid values are 0=No Credit, 1=Unlimited, & 2=Amount  Edit
3280Balance Type (BALNCTYP) is invalid - The valid values are 0=Open Item & 1=Balance Forward  Edit
3281The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed does not currently exist in Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
3282The Tax Schedule ID (TAXSCHID) passed does not currently exist in Sales Tax Schedule Header Master table - TX00101  Edit
3283The Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) passed does not currently exist in Shipping Method Master table - SY03000  Edit
3284The Payment Term ID (PYMTRMID) passed does not currently exist in Payment Term Master table - SY03300  Edit
3285The Trade Discount (CUSTDISC) can not be < 0  Edit
3286The Minimum Payment Type (MINPYTYP) is invalid - 0=No Minimum, 1=Percent, & 2=Amount  Edit
3287The Minimum Payment Dollar Amount (MINPYDLR) can not be < 0  Edit
3288The Minimum Payment Percent (MINPYPCT) can not be < 0  Edit
3289The Maximum Write Off Type (MXWOFTYP) is invalid - 0=Not Allowed, 1=Unlimited, & 2=Maximum  Edit
3290The Maximum Write Off Amount (MXWROFAM) can not be < 0  Edit
3291The Finance Charge Type (FNCHATYP) is invalid - 0=None, 1=Percent, & 2=Amount  Edit
3292The Finance Charge Dollar (FINCHDLR) can not be < 0  Edit
3293The Finance Charge Percent (FNCHPCNT) can not be < 0  Edit
3294The Price Level (PRCLEVEL) passed does not currently exist in the Price Level Setup Table - IV40800  Edit
3295The Currency ID (CURNCYID) passed does not currently exist in the Currency Master table - DYNAMICS..MC40200  Edit
3296The Rate Type ID (RATETPID) passed does not currently exist in the Rate Type Master table - MC40100  Edit
3297The Default Cash Account (DEFCACTY) value is invalid - 0=Checkbook & 1=Customer  Edit
3298The Sales Territory ID (SALSTERR) passed does not currently exist in the Sales Territory Master table - RM00303  Edit
3299The Salesperson ID (SLPRSNID) passed does not currently exist in the Salesperson Master table - RM00301  Edit
3300The Statement Cycle (STMTCYCL) value is invalid - 1 through 7 are valid  Edit
3302The Keep Calendar History (KPCALHST) value is invalid 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3303The Keep Distribution History (KPDSTHST) value is invalid 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3304The Keep Period History (KPERHIST) value is invalid 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3305The Keep Transaction History (KPTRXHST) value is invalid 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3306The Discount Grace Period (DISGRPER) can not be < 0  Edit
3307The Due Date Grace Period (DUEGRPER) can not be < 0  Edit
3308The Revalue Customer parameter (Revalue_Customer) passed is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
3309The Post Results To parameter (Post_Results_To) passed is invalid - 0=Receivables/Discount Account & 1=Sales Offset Account  Edit
3310The Post Results To value (Post_Results_To) must always be set to 0 when you choose to set the Revalue Customer parameter to false (Revalue_Customer = 0)  Edit
3311The Cash Account (CASHACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3312The Accounts Receivable Account (ACCTRECACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3313The Cost of Sales Account (COSTOFSALESACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3314The Inventory Account (IVACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3315The Sales Account (SALESACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3316The Terms Discount Available Account (TERMDISCAVAILACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3317The Terms Discount Taken Account (TERMDISCTAKENACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3318The Finance Charges Account (FINCHRGACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3319The Write Off Account (WRITEOFFACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3320The Sales Order Returns Account (SALESORDERRETACCT) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
3321Unable to insert into the RM Class Master Table - RM00201  Edit
3322Duplicate RM CLass ID in the RM00201 table  Edit
3323Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateCustomerClassPost returned an error value  Edit
3713The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
6310The customer priority value (CUSTPRIORITY) is invalid - 1 to 100 are valid  Edit
6311The RM Overpayment Writeoff Account (RMOvrpymtWrtoffAcct) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
6326The Order Fulfillment Shortage Default (ORDERFULFILLDEFAULT) passed is invalid - 1=none & 2=Back Order Remaining & 3=Cancel Remaining  Edit
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