3536 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateComputerCheckLineInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3537 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateComputerCheckLineInsert | | Edit |
3538 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3539 | The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) is blank | | Edit |
3540 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) is blank | | Edit |
3541 | The UPR Trx Code (UPRTRXCD) is blank | | Edit |
3574 | Days worked (DAYSWRDK) can not be a negative value | | Edit |
3575 | Weeks worked (WKSWRKD) can not be a negative value | | Edit |
3576 | The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=false & 1=true are valid | | Edit |
3580 | Unable to update the Next Computer Trx Number | | Edit |
3581 | Duplicate Computer Trx Number | | Edit |
3582 | The Computer Transaction Type (COMPTRTP) is invalid - 1 thru 3 are valid | | Edit |
3583 | Salary Change (SALCHG) has an invalid value | | Edit |
3584 | The Department (DEPRTMNT) is blank - it can not be for a Pay Code Trx (COMPTRTP = 1) | | Edit |
3585 | The Job Title/Position (JOBTITLE) is blank - it can not be for a Pay Code Trx (COMPTRTP = 1) | | Edit |
3586 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
3587 | The Trx End Date (TRXENDDT) must be >= the Trx Begin Date (TRXBEGDT) | | Edit |
3588 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) does not have the Pay Code passed set up in UPR00400 | | Edit |
3589 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) does not have the Deduction Code passed (UPRTRXCD) set up in UPR00500 | | Edit |
3590 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) does not have the Benefit Code passed (UPRTRXCD) set up in UPR00600 | | Edit |
3591 | The Department (DEPRTMNT) does not exist in the UPR40300 table | | Edit |
3592 | The Job Title/Position (JOBTITLE) does not exist in the UPR40301 table | | Edit |
3593 | The Local Tax (LOCALTAX) does not exist in the UPR41400 table | | Edit |
3594 | The Workers Compensation Code (WRKRCOMP) does not exist in the UPR40700 table | | Edit |
3595 | The State (STATECD) does not exist in the UPR41100 table | | Edit |
3596 | The SUTA State (SUTASTAT) does not exist in the UPR41100 table | | Edit |
3597 | The Shift Code (SHFTCODE) does not exist in the UPR41500 table | | Edit |
3598 | A Shift Code (SHFTCODE) can only be on a Computer Trx Type of Pay Code (COMPTRTP <> 1) | | Edit |
3599 | Unable to insert into the UPR10302 table | | Edit |
3600 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateComputerCheckLineInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3601 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) has access to the Deduction Code (UPRTRXCD) - but the Deduction Code is not marked as Trx Required | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3602 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) has access to the Benefit Code (UPRTRXCD) - but the Benefit Code is not marked as Trx Required | | Edit |
3605 | A Salary Pay Code was passed you must also define a Salary Change (SALCHG) - 1 thru 5 are valid | | Edit |
3606 | A Salary Pay Code was passed and a Salary Change of Reallocate Dollars was passed (SALCHG = 1) you must pass a Pay Rate Amt (PAYRTAMT) | | Edit |
3607 | A Salary Pay Code was passed and a Salary Change of Reallocate Hours was passed (SALCHG = 2) you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
3608 | A Salary Pay Code was passed and a Salary Change of Reduce Dollars was passed (SALCHG = 3) you must pass a Pay Rate Amt (PAYRTAMT) | | Edit |
3609 | A Salary Pay Code was passed and a Salary Change of Reduce Hours was passed (SALCHG = 4) you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
3610 | A Salary Pay Code was passed and a Salary Change of Additional Amt was passed (SALCHG = 5) you must pass a Pay Rate Amt (PAYRTAMT) | | Edit |
3641 | An Overtime Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4306 | A Doubletime Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4307 | A Vacation Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4308 | A Sick Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4309 | A Holiday Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4310 | A Pension Pay Code was passed into Trx Entry this is not allowed | | Edit |
4311 | A Earned Income Credit Pay Code was passed into Trx Entry this is not allowed | | Edit |
4312 | A Charged Tips Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Amt | | Edit |
4313 | A Reported Tips Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Amt (PAYRTAMT) | | Edit |
4314 | A Minimum Wage Balance Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
4418 | A Piecework Pay Code was passed you must pass Trx Hours/Units (TRXHRUNT) | | Edit |
5371 | Unable to insert into the Computer Check Keys Record into the Payroll Keys Table - UPR10309 | | Edit |
5372 | Unable to insert duplicate Computer Check Keys record in the Payroll Keys Table - UPR10309 | | Edit |
7388 | The @I_vPAYRTAMT parameter can not be < 0 on Pay Codes not set up as Commissions | | Edit |
9500 | The @I_vHRLYPYRT parameter can not be < 0 | | Edit |
9502 | The @I_vTRXHRUNT parameter can not be < 0 when the Salary Change Type (@I_vSALCHG) is set to 2 - Reallocate Hours or 4 - Reduce Hours | | Edit |
9504 | The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) passed is set to inactive you can not pass transactions to an inactive Employee | | Edit |
9505 | The Pay Code passed for this Employee ID is set to inactive in the Payroll Pay Code Master Table - UPR00400 | | Edit |
9506 | The Deduction passed for this Employee ID is set to inactive in the Payroll Deduction Master Table - UPR00500 | | Edit |
9507 | The Benefit passed for this Employee ID is set to inactive in the Payroll Benefit Master Table - UPR00600 | | Edit |