3175 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateBookClassPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3176 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateBookClass stored procedure | | Edit |
3177 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3178 | Book ID (BOOKID) is empty | | Edit |
3179 | The Book ID (BOOKID) passed does not currently exist in the Book ID table - FA40200 | | Edit |
3180 | Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) is empty | | Edit |
3181 | The Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) passed does not currently exist in the Asset Class ID table - FA40201 | | Edit |
3182 | Invalid Depreciation Method (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD) value - 1 through 16 are valid | | Edit |
3183 | Invalid Averaging Convention (AVERAGINGCONV) value - 1 through 13 are valid | | Edit |
3184 | Invalid Switchover (SWITCHOVER) value - 1 = No Switch & 2 = Straight-Line | | Edit |
3185 | Invalid Original Life Years (ORIGINALLIFEYEARS) value - 0 through 99 are valid | | Edit |
3186 | You have passed an invalid Original Life Days (ORIGINALLIFEDAYS) value - 0 through 999 are valid | | Edit |
3187 | You have passed an invalid Special Depreciation Allowance (SPECDEPRALLOW) value - 1 = No & 2 = Yes | | Edit |
3188 | Invalid Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT) it must fall between 0 and 327.67 | | Edit |
3189 | Invalid Salvage Estimate (SALVAGEEST) 0 = No & 1 = True | | Edit |
3190 | Invalid Luxury Auto (LUXAUTOIND) value - 1 = No & 2 = Yes | | Edit |
3191 | Invalid TEFRA Option (TEFRAFLAG) 1 = None, 2 = Full Credit Reduce Cost by 50%, 3 = Full Credit Reduce Cost by 100%, 4 = Reduce ITC% by 2 points | | Edit |
3192 | The Amortization Code (AMORTIZATIONCODE) must be 0 when the Depreciation Method is not Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=9) or Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16) | | Edit |
3193 | The Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) must not be 0 when the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=9) or Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16) | | Edit |
3194 | The Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc) must be 0 when the Depreciation Method is not Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16) | | Edit |
3195 | If the Depreciation Method is Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16) the Amortization Code must be Percentage (AMORTIZATIONCODE = 6) | | Edit |
3196 | If the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD = 9) then you must pass an Amortization Code (AMORTIZATIONCODE) 1 through 7 - are valid values | | Edit |
3197 | If the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD = 9) then you must pass an Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) | | Edit |
3198 | If the Amortization Code equals Percentage or Rate (AMORTIZATIONCODE = 6 or 7) the Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) must be > 0 and <= 100 | | Edit |
3199 | You can not pass a negative Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT) | | Edit |
3200 | You can not pass a negative Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc) | | Edit |
3201 | You can not pass a negative Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) | | Edit |
3202 | You can not pass a Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT) > 327.67 | | Edit |
3203 | You can not pass an Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc) > 327.67 | | Edit |
3204 | You can not pass an Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) > 327.67 | | Edit |
3205 | Special Depreciation Percentage (SPECDEPRALLOWPCT) can not be < 0 or > 100 | | Edit |
3206 | Unable to insert into the FA40202 table | | Edit |
3207 | Duplicate Book ID Class ID in the FA40202 Table | | Edit |
3208 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateBookClassPost returned an error value | | Edit |
9157 | Unable to obtain the next Book Class Index | | Edit |