3229 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetIDPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3230 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateAssetID stored procedure | | Edit |
3231 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3232 | Asset ID (ASSETID) is empty | | Edit |
3233 | Asset Description (ASSETDESC) is empty | | Edit |
3234 | The Property Type value (PROPTYPE) is invalid 1 through 9 are valid | | Edit |
3235 | The Asset Type value (ASSETTYPE) is invalid - 1 = New, 2 = Used, & 3 = Leased | | Edit |
3236 | The Asset Status value (ASSETSTATUS) is invalid - 1 = Active, 2 = Deleted, 3 = Partial Open, & 4 = Retired | | Edit |
3237 | The Acquisition Cost parameter (Acquisition_Cost) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3238 | The Asset Class ID passed (ASSETCLASSID) does not currently exist in FA40201 table | | Edit |
3239 | The Physical Location ID (Physical_Location_ID) passed does not currently exist in FA42400 table | | Edit |
3240 | The Location ID passed (LOCATNID) does not currently exist in FA41100 table | | Edit |
3241 | The Structure ID passed (STRUCTUREID) does not currently exist in FA41500 table | | Edit |
3242 | The Custodian ID - CUSTODIAN - passed does not currently exist in UPR00100 table | | Edit |
3243 | Unable to insert into the FA00100 table | | Edit |
3245 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetIDPost returned an error value | | Edit |
5101 | The Acquisition Date value (ACQDATE) is blank | | Edit |
5348 | Unable to obtain the next Financial Index | | Edit |
5349 | Unable to insert into the FA00200 table | | Edit |
5350 | Unable to obtain the next Financial Index | | Edit |
5351 | Unable to insert into the FA00200 table | | Edit |
6234 | Unable to update the FA00100 table | | Edit |
6622 | Unable to insert into the FA00400 table | | Edit |
6623 | Unable to insert into the FA01400 table | | Edit |
6624 | The Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) is empty | | Edit |
6625 | Unable to obtain the next FAINDEX | | Edit |
6628 | Unable to insert into the FA00200 table | | Edit |
7025 | The UpdateIfExists parameter is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid values | | Edit |
7028 | The Asset Suffix ID (ASSETIDSUF) can not be < 1 or > 999 | | Edit |
8692 | The UpdateIfExists parameter is set to 0 and you are attempting to integrate a record that already exists in the FA00100 table | | Edit |
9148 | Unable to grab the Book Index values from FA40200 | | Edit |
9176 | The Quantity value (ASSETQTY) can not be zero | | Edit |
11487 | Account Group ID does not exist in table | | Edit |