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Errors for the taCreateAssetID Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateAssetID
3229Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetIDPre returned an error value  Edit
3230At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateAssetID stored procedure  Edit
3231Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3232Asset ID (ASSETID) is empty  Edit
3233Asset Description (ASSETDESC) is empty  Edit
3234The Property Type value (PROPTYPE) is invalid 1 through 9 are valid  Edit
3235The Asset Type value (ASSETTYPE) is invalid - 1 = New, 2 = Used, & 3 = Leased  Edit
3236The Asset Status value (ASSETSTATUS) is invalid - 1 = Active, 2 = Deleted, 3 = Partial Open, & 4 = Retired  Edit
3237The Acquisition Cost parameter (Acquisition_Cost) can not be < 0  Edit
3238The Asset Class ID passed (ASSETCLASSID) does not currently exist in FA40201 table  Edit
3239The Physical Location ID (Physical_Location_ID) passed does not currently exist in FA42400 table  Edit
3240The Location ID passed (LOCATNID) does not currently exist in FA41100 table  Edit
3241The Structure ID passed (STRUCTUREID) does not currently exist in FA41500 table  Edit
3242The Custodian ID - CUSTODIAN - passed does not currently exist in UPR00100 table  Edit
3243Unable to insert into the FA00100 table  Edit
3245Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetIDPost returned an error value  Edit
5101The Acquisition Date value (ACQDATE) is blank  Edit
5348Unable to obtain the next Financial Index  Edit
5349Unable to insert into the FA00200 table  Edit
5350Unable to obtain the next Financial Index  Edit
5351Unable to insert into the FA00200 table  Edit
6234Unable to update the FA00100 table  Edit
6622Unable to insert into the FA00400 table  Edit
6623Unable to insert into the FA01400 table  Edit
6624The Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) is empty  Edit
6625Unable to obtain the next FAINDEX  Edit
6628Unable to insert into the FA00200 table  Edit
7025The UpdateIfExists parameter is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid values  Edit
7028The Asset Suffix ID (ASSETIDSUF) can not be < 1 or > 999  Edit
8692The UpdateIfExists parameter is set to 0 and you are attempting to integrate a record that already exists in the FA00100 table  Edit
9148Unable to grab the Book Index values from FA40200  Edit
9176The Quantity value (ASSETQTY) can not be zero  Edit
11487Account Group ID does not exist in table  Edit
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