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Errors for the taCreateAssetBookITC Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateAssetBookITC
8687The Update if Exists Flag (UpdateIfExists) is set to 1 - we do not currently support updates in this schema  Edit
10344Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetBookITCPre returned an error value  Edit
10345At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateAssetBookITC stored procedure  Edit
10346Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10347Asset ID (ASSETID) is empty  Edit
10348The Asset Suffix ID (ASSETIDSUF) can not be < 1 or > 999  Edit
10349The Asset ID/Asset Suffix combination does not exist in the Fixed Assets Master Table (FA00100)  Edit
10350Book ID (BOOKID) is empty  Edit
10351The Book ID (BOOKID) does not exist in the Fixed Assets Book Master Table (FA40200)  Edit
10353TEFRA Flag (TEFRAFLAG) is invalid - 1 thru 4 are valid values  Edit
10354The Update if Exists Flag (UpdateIfExists) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values  Edit
10355Unable to insert into the FA00300 table  Edit
10356Duplicate Asset Book ITC/Cost in the FA00300 Table  Edit
10357Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetBookITCPost returned an error value  Edit
10358The Asset Book does not exist in the FA00200 and if it does not then you need to add it first before adding in the ITC/Cost  Edit
10440The Asset ID and Book ID already exist in the FA00300 table and currently we do not allow updates in this schema  Edit
10441The Original Cost Basis (ORGCOSTBASIS) is a different value then it is on the book this would trigger a depreciation recalculation which we do not currently support pass the same value or let it default from the Asset Book  Edit
10442The Net Cost Basis is not equal to the Orignal Cost Basis (ORGCOSTBASIS) on the book this would trigger a depreciation recalc which we do not currently support  Edit
10443Unable to update the FA00300 table  Edit
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