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Errors for the taCreateAssetBookITC Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateAssetBookITC
8687 | The Update if Exists Flag (UpdateIfExists) is set to 1 - we do not currently support updates in this schema | | Edit |
10344 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetBookITCPre returned an error value | | Edit |
10345 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateAssetBookITC stored procedure | | Edit |
10346 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10347 | Asset ID (ASSETID) is empty | | Edit |
10348 | The Asset Suffix ID (ASSETIDSUF) can not be < 1 or > 999 | | Edit |
10349 | The Asset ID/Asset Suffix combination does not exist in the Fixed Assets Master Table (FA00100) | | Edit |
10350 | Book ID (BOOKID) is empty | | Edit |
10351 | The Book ID (BOOKID) does not exist in the Fixed Assets Book Master Table (FA40200) | | Edit |
10353 | TEFRA Flag (TEFRAFLAG) is invalid - 1 thru 4 are valid values | | Edit |
10354 | The Update if Exists Flag (UpdateIfExists) is invalid - 0 or 1 are valid values | | Edit |
10355 | Unable to insert into the FA00300 table | | Edit |
10356 | Duplicate Asset Book ITC/Cost in the FA00300 Table | | Edit |
10357 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateAssetBookITCPost returned an error value | | Edit |
10358 | The Asset Book does not exist in the FA00200 and if it does not then you need to add it first before adding in the ITC/Cost | | Edit |
10440 | The Asset ID and Book ID already exist in the FA00300 table and currently we do not allow updates in this schema | | Edit |
10441 | The Original Cost Basis (ORGCOSTBASIS) is a different value then it is on the book this would trigger a depreciation recalculation which we do not currently support pass the same value or let it default from the Asset Book | | Edit |
10442 | The Net Cost Basis is not equal to the Orignal Cost Basis (ORGCOSTBASIS) on the book this would trigger a depreciation recalc which we do not currently support | | Edit |
10443 | Unable to update the FA00300 table | | Edit |