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Errors for the taCreateApplicant Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateApplicant
8413Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateApplicantPre returned an error value  Edit
8414A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateApplicant  Edit
8415The Update if Exists flag is set to Create (UpdateIfExists) - The Line Sequence (ISEQUENCENUMBER_I) can not be passed for a create  Edit
8417Unable to update the HR3APP99 Table  Edit
8418Applicant Number is required due to the fact you have multiple records with the same first and last name  Edit
8419The Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) was not passed and needs to be to update an existing record since you have multiple people with the same first and last name Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8420The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists) but the record does not exist  Edit
8421The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists = 1) but the Application and Line Sequence combo does not exist  Edit
8422The Requisition Number passed (REQUISITIONNUMBER_I) does exist not exist in the HR2REQ01 table - please enter a valid Requisition Number  Edit
8423The Last Name parameter (LLASTNAME_I) is blank  Edit
8424The Apply Date parameter (APPLYDATE_I) is blank  Edit
8425The Social Security Number parameter (SSN_I) already exists on another Applicant  Edit
8426The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
8427The RequesterTrx is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
8428The Status value (STATUS0_I) is invalid - 0 thru 5 are valid values  Edit
8429You can not provide a Reject Reason (REJECTREASON_I) unless you set the Status (STATUS0_I) to Rejected  Edit
8430You can not provide a Reject Comment (DSCRIPTN) unless you set the Status (STATUS0_I) to Rejected  Edit
8431The relocation value (RELOCATION_I) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11000The Reply Sent (REPLYLETTERSENT_I) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11001The Color Code (COLORCODE_I) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are valid values  Edit
11002The Referral Source (REFSOURCEDDL_I) is invalid - 0 thru 6 are valid values  Edit
11003The Gender value (GENDERGB_I) is invalid - 0 thru 2 are valid values  Edit
11004The Ethnic Origin value (EEOETHNICORIGIN_I) is invalid - 0 thru 8 are valid values  Edit
11005The Age value (EEOAGE_I) is invalid - 1 thru 7 are valid values  Edit
11006The Handicapped value (HANDICAPPED) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11007The Veteran value (VETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11008The Disabeled Veteran value (DISABLEDVETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11009The Vietnam Veteran value (VIETNAMVETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11010The Other Veteran value (OTHERVET) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
11011The Division Code parameter (DIVISIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDV01 table  Edit
11012The Department Code parameter (DEPARTMENTCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDP01 table  Edit
11013The Position Code parameter (POSITIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMPS01 table  Edit
11014The Location Code parameter (LOCATNID) does not exist in the HRPMLC01 table  Edit
11015The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) does not exist in the DYNAMICS..SY01500 table  Edit
11016Unable to insert into the HR Applicant Table - DYNAMICS..HR2APP12  Edit
11017Unable to update the HR Applicant Table - DYNAMICS..HR2APP12  Edit
11018Unable to insert into the HR Applicant History Table - DYNAMICS..HR4APP02  Edit
11019Unable to update the HR Applicant History Table - DYNAMICS..HR4APP02  Edit
11020Unable to insert into the HR Applicant Extra Table - DYNAMICS..AX010130  Edit
11021Unable to update the HR Applicant Extra Table - DYNAMICS..AX010130  Edit
11022Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateApplicantPost returned an error value  Edit
11324The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) is blank and it must be passed  Edit
20147The Update if Exists flag is set to create (UpdateIfExists = 0) but the Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) already exists in the DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 table  Edit
20148The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists = 1) but the Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) passed does not exist in the DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 table  Edit
20149Unable to update the HR3APP99 Table  Edit
20150The First Name parameter (FFIRSTNAME_I) is blank  Edit
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