8413 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateApplicantPre returned an error value | | Edit |
8414 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateApplicant | | Edit |
8415 | The Update if Exists flag is set to Create (UpdateIfExists) - The Line Sequence (ISEQUENCENUMBER_I) can not be passed for a create | | Edit |
8417 | Unable to update the HR3APP99 Table | | Edit |
8418 | Applicant Number is required due to the fact you have multiple records with the same first and last name | | Edit |
8419 | The Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) was not passed and needs to be to update an existing record since you have multiple people with the same first and last name | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8420 | The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists) but the record does not exist | | Edit |
8421 | The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists = 1) but the Application and Line Sequence combo does not exist | | Edit |
8422 | The Requisition Number passed (REQUISITIONNUMBER_I) does exist not exist in the HR2REQ01 table - please enter a valid Requisition Number | | Edit |
8423 | The Last Name parameter (LLASTNAME_I) is blank | | Edit |
8424 | The Apply Date parameter (APPLYDATE_I) is blank | | Edit |
8425 | The Social Security Number parameter (SSN_I) already exists on another Applicant | | Edit |
8426 | The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
8427 | The RequesterTrx is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
8428 | The Status value (STATUS0_I) is invalid - 0 thru 5 are valid values | | Edit |
8429 | You can not provide a Reject Reason (REJECTREASON_I) unless you set the Status (STATUS0_I) to Rejected | | Edit |
8430 | You can not provide a Reject Comment (DSCRIPTN) unless you set the Status (STATUS0_I) to Rejected | | Edit |
8431 | The relocation value (RELOCATION_I) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11000 | The Reply Sent (REPLYLETTERSENT_I) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11001 | The Color Code (COLORCODE_I) is invalid - 1 thru 5 are valid values | | Edit |
11002 | The Referral Source (REFSOURCEDDL_I) is invalid - 0 thru 6 are valid values | | Edit |
11003 | The Gender value (GENDERGB_I) is invalid - 0 thru 2 are valid values | | Edit |
11004 | The Ethnic Origin value (EEOETHNICORIGIN_I) is invalid - 0 thru 8 are valid values | | Edit |
11005 | The Age value (EEOAGE_I) is invalid - 1 thru 7 are valid values | | Edit |
11006 | The Handicapped value (HANDICAPPED) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11007 | The Veteran value (VETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11008 | The Disabeled Veteran value (DISABLEDVETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11009 | The Vietnam Veteran value (VIETNAMVETERAN) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11010 | The Other Veteran value (OTHERVET) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
11011 | The Division Code parameter (DIVISIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDV01 table | | Edit |
11012 | The Department Code parameter (DEPARTMENTCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDP01 table | | Edit |
11013 | The Position Code parameter (POSITIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMPS01 table | | Edit |
11014 | The Location Code parameter (LOCATNID) does not exist in the HRPMLC01 table | | Edit |
11015 | The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) does not exist in the DYNAMICS..SY01500 table | | Edit |
11016 | Unable to insert into the HR Applicant Table - DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 | | Edit |
11017 | Unable to update the HR Applicant Table - DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 | | Edit |
11018 | Unable to insert into the HR Applicant History Table - DYNAMICS..HR4APP02 | | Edit |
11019 | Unable to update the HR Applicant History Table - DYNAMICS..HR4APP02 | | Edit |
11020 | Unable to insert into the HR Applicant Extra Table - DYNAMICS..AX010130 | | Edit |
11021 | Unable to update the HR Applicant Extra Table - DYNAMICS..AX010130 | | Edit |
11022 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateApplicantPost returned an error value | | Edit |
11324 | The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) is blank and it must be passed | | Edit |
20147 | The Update if Exists flag is set to create (UpdateIfExists = 0) but the Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) already exists in the DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 table | | Edit |
20148 | The Update if Exists flag is set to update (UpdateIfExists = 1) but the Application Number (APPLICANTNUMBER_I) passed does not exist in the DYNAMICS..HR2APP12 table | | Edit |
20149 | Unable to update the HR3APP99 Table | | Edit |
20150 | The First Name parameter (FFIRSTNAME_I) is blank | | Edit |