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Errors for the taCreateAccountGroup Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateAccountGroup
3103 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3108 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateAccountGroupPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3109 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateAccountGroup stored procedure | | Edit |
3110 | The Account Group ID (ACCTGRPID) is empty | | Edit |
3111 | The Depreciation Expense Account (DEPREXPACCT) - does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3112 | The Depreciation Reserve Account (DEPRRESACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3113 | The Prior Year Depreciation Account (PRIORYRDEPRACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3114 | The Asset Cost Account (ASSETCOSTACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3115 | The Proceeds Account (PROCEEDSACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3116 | The Recognized Gain/Loss Account (RECOGGAINLOSSACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3117 | The Non Recognized Gain/Loss Account (NONRECOGGAINLOSSACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3118 | The Clearing Account (CLEARINGACCT) does not exist for Account Number String passed in | | Edit |
3119 | Unable to insert into the FA41300 table | | Edit |
3120 | Duplicate Account Group ID in the FA41300 Table | | Edit |
3121 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateAccountGroupPost returned an error value | | Edit |
9151 | Unable to obtain the next Account Group Index | | Edit |