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Errors for the taBRPostBankDeposits Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taBRPostBankDeposits
5459Unable to fetch next record for posting Realized Gain/Loss  Edit
5460Unable to get next journal entry number  Edit
5461Could not create GL transaction line  Edit
5462Could not create GL transaction line  Edit
5463Could not create GL transaction header  Edit
7403Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7404At least one input variable contains a null value in taBRPostBankDeposits stored procedure  Edit
7405The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty  Edit
7406The Deposit Number (depositnumber) is empty  Edit
7407The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True  Edit
7408The Deposit Number for the Checkbook passed in does not exist to be posted  Edit
7409Records in CM20300 table have already been posted or voided  Edit
7410Checkbook is currently being edited by another user  Edit
7411Deposit is currently being edited by another user  Edit
7412Checkbook has a deposit in progress, deposit can not be posted  Edit
7413Unable to update Checkbook Deposit_In_Progress column  Edit
7414Unable to get Audit Trail Code  Edit
7415Unable to update GL10001 table  Edit
7416Unable to update Checkbook CURRBLNC column  Edit
7417Unable to update Realized_GL_Account_Inde column in the CM20300 table  Edit
7418Unable to insert records into the CM20100 table  Edit
7419Unable to insert records into the CM20200 table  Edit
7420Unable to insert records into the CM20201 table  Edit
7421Unable to delete records in the CM10100 table  Edit
7422Unable to delete records in the CM10101 table  Edit
7423Unable to remove Deposit_In_Progress flag for the Checkbook in the CM00100 table  Edit
7424Unable to remove Dex Lock for the Checkbook Master  Edit
7425Unable to remove Dex Lock for the Deposit Work  Edit
7426Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7462Unable to update GL10000 table  Edit
7463Error deleting record from DTA10100  Edit
7464Error deleting record from DTA10200  Edit
7465Unable to update records in the CM20300 table  Edit
7467Unable to insert records into CM20400 table  Edit
7468Unable to insert records into CM20400 table  Edit
8081Unable to update record in the SY00500 table  Edit
10448cmGetLastJournalNumber returned an error  Edit
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