5459 | Unable to fetch next record for posting Realized Gain/Loss | | Edit |
5460 | Unable to get next journal entry number | | Edit |
5461 | Could not create GL transaction line | | Edit |
5462 | Could not create GL transaction line | | Edit |
5463 | Could not create GL transaction header | | Edit |
7403 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7404 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taBRPostBankDeposits stored procedure | | Edit |
7405 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty | | Edit |
7406 | The Deposit Number (depositnumber) is empty | | Edit |
7407 | The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
7408 | The Deposit Number for the Checkbook passed in does not exist to be posted | | Edit |
7409 | Records in CM20300 table have already been posted or voided | | Edit |
7410 | Checkbook is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
7411 | Deposit is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
7412 | Checkbook has a deposit in progress, deposit can not be posted | | Edit |
7413 | Unable to update Checkbook Deposit_In_Progress column | | Edit |
7414 | Unable to get Audit Trail Code | | Edit |
7415 | Unable to update GL10001 table | | Edit |
7416 | Unable to update Checkbook CURRBLNC column | | Edit |
7417 | Unable to update Realized_GL_Account_Inde column in the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7418 | Unable to insert records into the CM20100 table | | Edit |
7419 | Unable to insert records into the CM20200 table | | Edit |
7420 | Unable to insert records into the CM20201 table | | Edit |
7421 | Unable to delete records in the CM10100 table | | Edit |
7422 | Unable to delete records in the CM10101 table | | Edit |
7423 | Unable to remove Deposit_In_Progress flag for the Checkbook in the CM00100 table | | Edit |
7424 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the Checkbook Master | | Edit |
7425 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the Deposit Work | | Edit |
7426 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7462 | Unable to update GL10000 table | | Edit |
7463 | Error deleting record from DTA10100 | | Edit |
7464 | Error deleting record from DTA10200 | | Edit |
7465 | Unable to update records in the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7467 | Unable to insert records into CM20400 table | | Edit |
7468 | Unable to insert records into CM20400 table | | Edit |
8081 | Unable to update record in the SY00500 table | | Edit |
10448 | cmGetLastJournalNumber returned an error | | Edit |