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Errors for the taBRDeleteBankDeposits Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taBRDeleteBankDeposits
7391 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7392 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taBRDeleteBankDeposits stored procedure | | Edit |
7393 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty | | Edit |
7394 | The Deposit Number (depositnumber) is empty | | Edit |
7395 | The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
7396 | The Deposit Number for the Checkbook passed in does not exist | | Edit |
7397 | Deposit has already been posted or voided and can not be deleted | | Edit |
7398 | Unable to delete records in the CM10100 table | | Edit |
7399 | Unable to delete records in the CM10101 table | | Edit |
7400 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7402 | Unable to update records in the CM20300 table | | Edit |