7606 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7607 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taBRBankTransactionVoid stored procedure | | Edit |
7608 | Transaction does not exist to be Voided | | Edit |
7609 | Combination of CHEKBKID and CMTrxNum exist on multiple records, CMDNUMWK will need to be passed in | | Edit |
7610 | Transaction does not exist to be Voided | | Edit |
7611 | A functional currency is not setup and is required for eConnect | | Edit |
7612 | The Option parameter in an invalid value - 3=Void Transaction; 4=Void Receipt | | Edit |
7613 | The CMTrxNum parameter cannot be empty | | Edit |
7614 | The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
7615 | The Transaction has already been voided | | Edit |
7616 | Unable to get Audit Trail Code | | Edit |
7617 | Error updating CM20400 table | | Edit |
7618 | Error updating CM20400 table | | Edit |
7619 | Unable to update the CM20100 table | | Edit |
7620 | Unable to insert into the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7621 | Unable to insert into the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7622 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7624 | Unable to update the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7626 | Unable to update the CM00100 table | | Edit |
7627 | Unable to update the CM20200 table | | Edit |
7628 | Unable to update the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7641 | Unable to get next journal entry number | | Edit |
7642 | Unable to fetch next record for posting Bank Transactions | | Edit |
7643 | Could not create GL transaction line | | Edit |
7644 | Could not create GL transaction header | | Edit |
7645 | Error deleting record from DTA10100 | | Edit |
7646 | Error deleting record from DTA10200 | | Edit |
7647 | Unable to update GL10000 table | | Edit |
7648 | Unable to update GL10001 table | | Edit |
7649 | Debits and Credits do not match | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7701 | Unable to update SY00500 table | | Edit |
7704 | Document is currently in use by another user | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7705 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the CM Transaction table | | Edit |
7731 | Unable to insert rounding difference into the CM20400 table | | Edit |
7732 | MC Rounding account is not setup in Posting Accounts Setup | | Edit |
8107 | The document originated in a module other then Bank Reconciliation, the document needs to be voided from the originating module | | Edit |
8108 | Receipt does not exist to be Voided | | Edit |
8109 | Combination of CHEKBKID and CMTrxNum exist on multiple records, CMDNUMWK will need to be passed in | | Edit |
8110 | Receipt does not exist to be Voided | | Edit |
8111 | The Receipt has already been voided | | Edit |
8112 | Unable to update the CM20300 table | | Edit |