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Errors for the taBRBankDepositsLine Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taBRBankDepositsLine
7335Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7336At least one input variable contains a null value in the taBRBankDepositsLine stored procedure  Edit
7337The Deposit Number (depositnumber) is empty  Edit
7340The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
7341The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed in is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
7342The Receipt Type is invalid - 1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit Card  Edit
7343Either CHEKBKID, RcpType, and RCPTNMBR or CMRECNUM must be passed in  Edit
7347The deposit number (depositnumber) passed in already exists  Edit
7348The receipt (RCPTNMBR+RcpType+CHEKBKID) passed in does not exist in the CM20300 table  Edit
7349The receipt number (RCPTNMBR) you have passed in has previously been deposited  Edit
7350Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
7351Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places on for currency on the Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID)  Edit
7352You can not pass a Currency Total (CURRENCYTOTAL) value > 0 when the Receipt Type is a Check (RcpType = 1) or Credit Card (RcpType = 3)  Edit
7353You can not pass a Coin Total (COINTOTAL) value > 0 when the Receipt Type is a Check (RcpType = 1) or Credit Card (RcpType = 3)  Edit
7354The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0=False; 1=True  Edit
7355The Receipt Total for the Cash Transaction is <> to the Currency Total + the Coin Total you passed in  Edit
7356An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
7357Unable to insert into the CM10101 table  Edit
7358Unable to update the CM10101 table  Edit
7359Unable to update the CM20300 table  Edit
7360Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7361A functional currency is not setup and is required for eConnect  Edit
7362The RATEEXPR value passed in is invalid  Edit
7363The TRXDTDEF value passed in is invalid  Edit
7364The RTCLCMTD value passed in is invalid  Edit
7389The receipt (RCPTNMBR+RcpType+CHEKBKID) passed in is not unique - the CMRECNUM parameter must be used  Edit
7390The receipt for CMRECNUM passed in does not exist in the CM20300 table  Edit
7456Error updating CM10101 table  Edit
7457Error updating CM10101 table  Edit
7458Error updating CM20300 table  Edit
7459The combination of checkbook and currency id already exists on the deposit, multicurrency information must be the same. ie.XCHGRATE;RTCLCMTD  Edit
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