7335 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7336 | At least one input variable contains a null value in the taBRBankDepositsLine stored procedure | | Edit |
7337 | The Deposit Number (depositnumber) is empty | | Edit |
7340 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100 | | Edit |
7341 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed in is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
7342 | The Receipt Type is invalid - 1=Check; 2=Cash; 3=Credit Card | | Edit |
7343 | Either CHEKBKID, RcpType, and RCPTNMBR or CMRECNUM must be passed in | | Edit |
7347 | The deposit number (depositnumber) passed in already exists | | Edit |
7348 | The receipt (RCPTNMBR+RcpType+CHEKBKID) passed in does not exist in the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7349 | The receipt number (RCPTNMBR) you have passed in has previously been deposited | | Edit |
7350 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
7351 | Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places on for currency on the Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) | | Edit |
7352 | You can not pass a Currency Total (CURRENCYTOTAL) value > 0 when the Receipt Type is a Check (RcpType = 1) or Credit Card (RcpType = 3) | | Edit |
7353 | You can not pass a Coin Total (COINTOTAL) value > 0 when the Receipt Type is a Check (RcpType = 1) or Credit Card (RcpType = 3) | | Edit |
7354 | The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
7355 | The Receipt Total for the Cash Transaction is <> to the Currency Total + the Coin Total you passed in | | Edit |
7356 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
7357 | Unable to insert into the CM10101 table | | Edit |
7358 | Unable to update the CM10101 table | | Edit |
7359 | Unable to update the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7360 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7361 | A functional currency is not setup and is required for eConnect | | Edit |
7362 | The RATEEXPR value passed in is invalid | | Edit |
7363 | The TRXDTDEF value passed in is invalid | | Edit |
7364 | The RTCLCMTD value passed in is invalid | | Edit |
7389 | The receipt (RCPTNMBR+RcpType+CHEKBKID) passed in is not unique - the CMRECNUM parameter must be used | | Edit |
7390 | The receipt for CMRECNUM passed in does not exist in the CM20300 table | | Edit |
7456 | Error updating CM10101 table | | Edit |
7457 | Error updating CM10101 table | | Edit |
7458 | Error updating CM20300 table | | Edit |
7459 | The combination of checkbook and currency id already exists on the deposit, multicurrency information must be the same. ie.XCHGRATE;RTCLCMTD | | Edit |