8307 | Unable to generate aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8308 | Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8309 | Unable to generate aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8310 | Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8311 | Unable to insert aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8312 | Error deriving Parent Dimensions | | Edit |
8313 | Error deriving AA children | | Edit |
8314 | Error validating AA Subledger assignments | | Edit |
8315 | Cannot update AAG20003 | | Edit |
8316 | Unable to create aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8317 | Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8318 | Unable to create aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8319 | Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8320 | Unable to insert aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table | | Edit |
8321 | Unable to derive parent dimensions | | Edit |
8322 | Unable to derive child dimensions | | Edit |
8323 | Unable to validate code assignments | | Edit |
8324 | Unable to update AA transaction codes | | Edit |
9399 | error processing temp table generation | | Edit |
9400 | error processing temp table generation | | Edit |
9401 | error processing temp table generation | | Edit |
9402 | error processing temp table generation | | Edit |
9403 | Analytics distribution does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9404 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taAnalyticsDistributionPre returned an error value | | Edit |
9405 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for Analytics Distribution | | Edit |
9406 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9407 | Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9408 | Assigned % exceeds 999.99 | | Edit |
9409 | The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True | | Edit |
9410 | An amount or assigned percent is required | | Edit |
9411 | error inserting AAG20002 | | Edit |
9412 | error executing aagSubAssignUpdate | | Edit |
9413 | error updating AAG20002 | | Edit |
9414 | Transaction Dimension assignment does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9415 | Transaction Dimension code does not exist for this dimension | | Edit |
9416 | Transaction Dimension numeric decimal value invalid | | Edit |
9417 | Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeNum, AAG00402 | | Edit |
9418 | Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeBool, AAG00402 | | Edit |
9419 | Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeBool, AAG00402 | | Edit |
9420 | Error updating AAG20003 | | Edit |
9421 | Unable to create AA note - SY03900 | | Edit |
9422 | Unable to update AA note - SY03900 | | Edit |
9423 | Unable to delete AA header note - SY03900 | | Edit |
9424 | Post Custom Business Logic for taAnalyticsDistributionPost returned an error value | | Edit |
9425 | Error updating AAG20001 | | Edit |
9426 | Error updating AAG20002 | | Edit |
9429 | error inserting AAG10002 | | Edit |
9430 | error executing aagGLAssignUpdate | | Edit |
9431 | error updating AAG10002 | | Edit |
9432 | Error updating AAG10001 | | Edit |
9433 | Transaction Dimension assignment does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9434 | Error updating AAG10003 | | Edit |
9435 | Error updating AAG10001 | | Edit |
9466 | Code is setup as Fixed, cannot be updated | | Edit |
9467 | Cannot assign a percent greater then 100 | | Edit |
9468 | Analytics distribution does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9469 | Cannot find a distribution amount based on input values | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9475 | Cannot assign a percent greater then 100 | | Edit |
9477 | Could not find aaTrxCodeID based on input values | | Edit |
9480 | You cannot supply a Transaction Code ID without a dimension value | | Edit |