8513 | The Node does not exist for the Transaction Dimension | | Edit |
8600 | Pre Custom Business Logic taAATrxDimCodeMaintPre returned an error value | | Edit |
8601 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taAATrxDimCodeMaint stored procedure | | Edit |
8602 | The Transaction Dimension does not exist | | Edit |
8603 | The Transaction Dimension setup does not allow codes to be created on the fly | | Edit |
8604 | Transaction Dimension Codes can only be added for alphanumeric data types | | Edit |
8605 | Valid values for INACTIVE are 0 or 1 only | | Edit |
8606 | The Transaction Dimension Code already exists and the UpdateIfExists flag is set not to allow updates | | Edit |
8607 | You cannot make this trx dim code inactive since it owns another code | | Edit |
8608 | Owned By is required for this Transaction Dimension Code | | Edit |
8609 | Owned By is not a valid owner of this Transaction Dimension | | Edit |
8610 | Owned By is inactive and cannot be used | | Edit |
8611 | The Transaction Dimension Code Description is required | | Edit |
8612 | The Node is required | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8614 | Error updating DYNAMICS..AAG00102 table for next Trx Dim Code ID | | Edit |
8615 | Unable to obtain the next note index for the insert to AAG00401 | | Edit |
8616 | Unable to insert into the AAG00401 table | | Edit |
8617 | Unable to insert ownee info into the AAG00406 table | | Edit |
8618 | Unable to insert owner info into the AAG00406 table | | Edit |
8619 | Unable to insert User Defined Text 1 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8620 | Unable to insert User Defined Text 2 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8621 | Unable to insert User Defined Text 3 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8622 | Unable to insert User Defined Text 4 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8623 | Unable to insert User Defined Text 5 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8624 | Unable to insert User Defined Date 1 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8625 | Unable to insert User Defined Date 2 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8626 | Unable to insert User Defined Date 3 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8627 | Unable to insert User Defined Date 4 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8628 | Unable to insert User Defined Date 5 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8629 | Unable to insert User Defined Numeric 1 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8630 | Unable to insert User Defined Numeric 2 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8631 | Unable to insert User Defined Numeric 3 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8632 | Unable to insert User Defined Numeric 4 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8633 | Unable to insert User Defined Numeric 5 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8634 | Unable to insert User Defined Boolean 1 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8635 | Unable to insert User Defined Boolean 2 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8636 | Unable to insert User Defined Boolean 3 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8637 | Unable to insert User Defined Boolean 4 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8638 | Unable to insert User Defined Boolean 5 into the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8639 | Unable to create User Access to Codes | | Edit |
8640 | Unable to insert User Access to Codes into the AAG02000 table | | Edit |
8641 | Unable to update the Trx Dim Code Setup table | | Edit |
8642 | The Node does not exist for the Transaction Dimension | | Edit |
8643 | Unable to update Node Id in the AAG00602 table | | Edit |
8644 | Unable to remove the ownee existing Trx Code Relationship | | Edit |
8645 | Unable to remove the owner existing Trx Code Relationship | | Edit |
8646 | Unable to update ownee info into the AAG00406 table | | Edit |
8647 | Unable to update owner info into the AAG00406 table | | Edit |
8648 | Unable to update User Defined Text in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8649 | Unable to update User Defined Text in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8650 | Unable to update User Defined Text in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8651 | Unable to update User Defined Text in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8652 | Unable to update User Defined Text in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8653 | Unable to update User Defined Date in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8654 | Unable to update User Defined Date in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8655 | Unable to update User Defined Date in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8656 | Unable to update User Defined Date in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8657 | Unable to update User Defined Date in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8658 | Unable to update User Defined Numeric in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8659 | Unable to update User Defined Numeric in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8660 | Unable to update User Defined Numeric in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8661 | Unable to update User Defined Numeric in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8662 | Unable to update User Defined Numeric in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8663 | Unable to update User Defined Boolean in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8664 | Unable to update User Defined Boolean in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8665 | Unable to update User Defined Boolean in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8666 | Unable to update User Defined Boolean in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8667 | Unable to update User Defined Boolean in the AAG01002 table | | Edit |
8668 | Unable to create Trx Dim Code Note | | Edit |
8669 | Unable to update Trx Dim Code Note | | Edit |
8670 | Unable to remove Trx Dim Code Note | | Edit |
8671 | Post Custom Business Logic taAATrxDimCodeMaintPost returned an error | | Edit |
11523 | Owned By must be a valid Transaction Dimension Code | | Edit |