Module List > Module SV tables SV_SVC_R
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COMPANY..SV_SVC_R Table Definition


Field Definitions:

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 Column NameData Type
Default Value
Svc_Request_ID char(17)

Svc_RPT_Request_Type char(11)

Svc_Request_Name char(31)

Svc_Request_Association char(31)

Svc_Request_Department char(31)

Service_Call_ID char(17)

Status_of_Call char(11)

Svc_Actual__Department char(31)

Svc_Request_Date datetime

RPT_Previously_Reported char(11)

Svc_Request_Phone char(21)

Svc_Request_Alt_Phone char(21)

Request_Email_Address char(41)

Request_Notify_Method char(31)

EMPLOYID char(15)

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Svc_Request_Issue_Date datetime

Svc_Request_Issue char(31)

Type_of_Problem char(31)

Equipment_ID char(31)

Equipment_Meter1_Master int

Meter_Read_Date datetime

Location_Temp char(201)

NOTEINDX numeric(19,5)

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USERID char(15)

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auto number (1,1)
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SVC_Request_Note text

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