Module List > Module SV tables SV70001
You are currently viewing the COMPANY database.

COMPANY..SV70001 Table Definition


Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
Service_Call_ID char(17)

Type_of_Problem char(31)

Technician char(11)

Priority_of_Call char(1)

Status_of_Call char(11)

LOCATNNM char(31)

Service_Description char(31)

Purchase_Order char(15)

Division smallint

Divisions char(15)

Contract_Number char(11)


User_Define_1a char(31)

User_Define_2a char(31)

User_Define_3a char(31)

User_Define_4a char(31)

Type_Call_Short char(3)

Type_of_Call char(15)

CUSTNMBR char(15)

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CUSTNAME char(65)

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Call_Invoice_Number char(17)

ADRSCODE char(15)

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Technician_Team char(15)

Service_Area char(15)

Wennsoft_Affiliate char(15)

Wennsoft_Region char(15)

Wennsoft_Branch char(15)

Completion_Date datetime

Completion...(more) Join Now BM10200.Completion_Date
Appointment char(25)

Appointment_Status char(11)

Appointment_Type smallint

Estimate_Hours int

STRTTIME datetime

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Task_Date datetime

Resolution_ID char(3)

Resolution_Description char(31)

Skill_Level char(15)

ADDRESS1 char(61)

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ADDRESS2 char(61)

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CNTCPRSN char(61)

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PHONE1 char(21)

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CITY char(35)

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STATE char(29)

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ZIP char(11)

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Contract_Description char(31)

Contract_Internal_Name char(15)

WS_Job_Number char(17)

Cost_Code_Alias char(27)

Location_Time_Zone_Tag char(5)

Location_Start_Time datetime

Location_Task_Date datetime

Technician_Time_Zone_Tag char(5)

Technician_Start_Time datetime

Technician_Task_Date datetime

auto number (1,1)
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