Module List > Module SV tables SV00544
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COMPANY..SV00544 Table Definition


Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
Wennsoft_Affiliate char(15)

Wennsoft_Region char(15)

Wennsoft_Branch char(15)

CUSTNMBR char(15)

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ADRSCODE char(15)

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Quote_Number char(11)

Equipment_ID char(31)

Quote_Task_List_ID char(11)

Original_Task_List_ID char(11)

Modified_List tinyint

Task_List_Type char(15)

Task_List_Description char(61)

Schedule_at_List tinyint

Frequency char(15)

Schedule smallint

Run_Units numeric(19,5)

Current_Run_Units numeric(19,5)

Last_Run_Units numeric(19,5)

Skill_Level char(15)

System char(15)

Major char(15)

Sub_1 char(15)

Sub_2 char(15)

Sub_3 char(15)

Sub_4 char(15)

MODIFDT datetime

Date the r...(more) Join Now
Modified_Time datetime

MDFUSRID char(15)

User that ...(more) Join Now
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Time_Zone char(3)

SV_Language_ID smallint

WSReserved_CB1 tinyint

WSReserved_CB2 tinyint

WSReserved_CB3 tinyint

WSReserved_CB4 tinyint

WSReserved_CB5 tinyint

WSReserved_STR1 char(11)

WSReserved_STR2 char(11)

USERID char(15)

The user t...(more) Join Now
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Technician_ID char(15)

Technician_Team char(15)

auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
WS_Transaction_Note text

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