Module List > Module SV tables SV000787
You are currently viewing the COMPANY database.

COMPANY..SV000787 Table Definition


Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
Divisions char(15)

Wennsoft_Account_Index_1 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_2 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_3 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_4 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_5 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_6 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_7 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_8 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_9 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_10 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_11 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_12 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_13 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_14 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_15 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_16 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_17 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_18 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_19 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_20 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_21 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_22 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_23 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_24 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_25 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_26 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_27 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_28 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_29 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_30 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_31 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_32 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_33 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_34 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_35 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_36 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_37 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_38 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_39 int

Wennsoft_Account_Index_40 int

SOURCDOC char(11)

Field values: 1= Invoice 2= Finance Charge 3= Miscellaneous Charges 4= Return 5= Credit Memo PP000001.SOURCDOC
SDOCDSCR char(31)

All_Converted tinyint

Wennsoft_Affiliate char(15)

Wennsoft_Region char(15)

Wennsoft_Branch char(15)

MODIFDT datetime

Date the r...(more) Join Now
Modified_Time datetime

MDFUSRID char(15)

User that ...(more) Join Now
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SV_Language_ID smallint

Time_Zone char(3)

WS_Checkbox1 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_2 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_3 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_4 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_5 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_6 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_7 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_8 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_9 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_10 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_11 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_12 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_13 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_14 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_15 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_16 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_17 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_18 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_19 tinyint

WS_Checkbox_20 tinyint

auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
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