Module List > Module SOP tables SOP10103
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COMPANY..SOP10103 Table Definition

(COMPANY..Sales Payment Work and History)
This table contains payment information for unposted and historical transactions.  Each unposted record in the table is associated with one record in the SOP_HDR_WORK table.

The TRX Source is an internally assigned audit trail code that will be saved with the record when a transaction is posted.  The TRX Source field is used to separate the posted and unposted records.  If the TRX Source field has an entry, the record has been posted.

We strongly recommend that you avoid importing historical data into this table.

SOP and MC:
The following describes changes made as a result of SOP MC. The focus of this discussion is on a non-MC SOP transaction.

Currency ID-This should be blank for non-MC SOP transactions. Currency Index-This should be the 'Functional Currency Index' of globals for non-MC SOP transactions. "Originating" values-The originating currency values (typically in the format "Originating ") are the primary currency values used for a SOP transaction. The corresponding functional currency values (typically in the format "") are calculated from the corresponding originating currency value. For a non-MC SOP transaction, the originating and functional currency values will be the same. Leaving either the originating currency value or the functional currency value blank for a non-MC SOP transaction is not allowed. If the value is not being used, both the originating and functional currency values should be blank.

The following fields must be imported regardless of if Multi-Currency is registered.

Orig Amount Paid: If the transaction is not a multi-currency transaction, import same amount as the Amount Paid field.  If the transaction is a multi-currency transaction, import the originating currency credit amount.

Orig Amount Remaining: Contains the originating amount remaining of the payment that has not yet been applied to an invoice.

Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
SOPTYPE smallint
SOP Type: ...(more) Join Now
SOPNUMBE char(21)
SOP Number...(more) Join Now
Sequence N...(more) Join Now
PYMTTYPE smallint
Payment Ty...(more) Join Now
DOCNUMBR char(21)
Document N...(more) Join Now
RMDTYPAL smallint
RM Documen...(more) Join Now
CHEKBKID char(15)
Checkbook ID Checkbook this transaction affects SY30500.CHEKBKID
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CHEKNMBR char(21)
Check Numb...(more) Join Now
CARDNAME char(15)
Card Name:...(more) Join Now
RCTNCCRD char(21)
Receipt Nu...(more) Join Now
AUTHCODE char(15)
Authorizat...(more) Join Now
AMNTPAID numeric(19,5)
Amount Pai...(more) Join Now
OAMTPAID numeric(19,5)
Orig Amoun...(more) Join Now
AMNTREMA numeric(19,5)
Amount Rem...(more) Join Now
OAMNTREM numeric(19,5)
Orig Amoun...(more) Join Now
DOCDATE datetime
The date a...(more) Join Now
EXPNDATE datetime
Expiration...(more) Join Now
CURNCYID char(15)
Currency I...(more) Join Now
join ... more text available
CURRNIDX smallint
Currency I...(more) Join Now
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TRXSORCE char(13)
Transactio...(more) Join Now
DEPSTATS smallint
Deposit St...(more) Join Now
DELETE1 tinyint
Delete: ...(more) Join Now
GLPOSTDT datetime
GL Posting...(more) Join Now
Cash Index...(more) Join Now
Deposits I...(more) Join Now
EFTFLAG tinyint
EFT Flag B...(more) Join Now
auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
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