Points: 10550

1/16/2012 1:14:34 PM

eConnect - IVItemMasterType, taUpdateCreateItemRcd, taCreateItemVendors_ItemsTaCreateItemVendors

* This article, and all our great eConnect documentation, Is available on the eConnect menu

Sample code to create an item, itemSite, and itemVendor. We're using the IVItemMasterType, taUpdateCreateItemRcd, taCreateItemVendors_ItemsTaCreateItemVendors and taItemSite_ItemsTaItemSite schema


This code uses classes that are passed in to the routine that we're not showing; the point of posting this here is to have some boilerplate code that can quickly be copied into a new project and edited. The source of the data changes on each project, but the code is largely the same

All our eConnect code uses the common functions class
Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect
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