Points: 7383

3/12/2024 8:35:31 AM

Excel Reports

* This article, and all our great KellermanControls documentation, Is available on the KellermanControls menu

.NET Excel Reports by Kellerman Software is a powerful tool that allows you to create Excel files without needing to have Excel installed. Here are some key features:

  1. No Excel Dependency: You can create Excel spreadsheets without relying on Excel itself.
  2. Easy to Use: With just a single line of code, you can generate Excel files from lists of class objects, Data Tables, and CSV files.
  3. Template Support: Use an existing Excel file as a template and perform search-and-replace operations.
  4. Intelligent Formatting: Excel Reports automatically applies intelligent formatting defaults, including nicely formatted headers and appropriate column formatting.
  5. Managed Code: Written in C#, it’s 100% managed code.
  6. Royalty-Free Distribution: You can include it with any .NET project royalty-free.
  7. Free Upgrades: Purchasing includes free upgrades for the next year.
  8. Money-Back Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied, there’s a 60-day money-back guarantee.
  9. Lifetime Support: Lifetime e-mail technical support is included.

Version History:

  • 2.00 (8/27/2022): Compatible with .NET Core, .NET Standard, Mono, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Mac, Xamarin Android, UWP, Unity, .NET 5, and .NET 6.
  • 2.12 (7/4/2023): Removed dependency on System.Windows.Forms for earlier versions of .NET.

You can find more information and purchase it on the Kellerman Software website. The product is also part of the Gold Suite, which offers excellent value for subscribers by including all product updates and new releases in a yearly subscription.
Version: All
Section: .NET Development
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