Points: 7416

10/24/2023 9:43:08 AM

Internal form names for Dynamics GP forms, abridged

* This article, and all our great VS Tools documentation, Is available on the VS Tools menu

Abridged, you ask?

These are just the ones that are in front of me at the moment

Whenever I start a project to mod Dynamics GP, I often need to add code to wire up events, and then code to access form level elements. 

So, I need to find the name of the form. I'll often go into GP and 'modify current form', that will get me something close... but not always exact. Then I have to go into .NET and guess. 

Below are the actual names of the forms, to stop the guessing. 

I'll add more as I go along. I have at least three this week I'll be adding. 

Version: All
Section: Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP,.NET Development
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