Points: 55409

4/22/2020 7:46:25 AM



Announcing the DynDeveloper eConnect schema reference

You can find the link on the main Knowledge Base menu above, under 'eConnect'

Now, some of you may say 'this looks just like the Microsoft reference'... and ... that's because I copied it. <smiles>

I did it so that I could add a navigation at the top. Way nicer than ... that other one. 

I hope to wiki enable it in the future, so that we can all make it better. 

Have an idea how to make the site better? Drop me a line. 

... I have time. <more smiles>
Version: All
Section: Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP,Dynamics GP,eConnect,VBA,Report Writer,SQL Scripts,Dexterity,Off Topic,Web Services,.NET Development,Integration Manager,Crystal Reports,Microsoft Access,CRM,Teler
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