Points: 7700

11/18/2012 11:44:01 AM

eConnect - Transaction Requester - Get one SOP line

* This article, and all our great eConnect documentation, Is available on the eConnect menu

In a recent project, we needed to

  • Get a line from a SOP document
  • Delete the line
  • Resubmit the line using the SOPTransactionType. (It allows you to submit a line only, and that will add a line to the SOP document)

This is the piece of code that we used to do step one, getting the SOP document line.

This function takes a SOP Number, Type, and Line Item Sequence as params and returns a 


 object. Since it's already in that form all we have to do is to edit it a little and re-submit it.
Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect
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