Points: 7483

6/29/2012 5:05:54 PM

Open an SSRS Report from Dynamics GP VBA

* This article, and all our great SQL Server Reporting Services documentation, Is available on the SQL Server Reporting Services menu

This is a really great technique. This article will show how to open an SSRS report from Dynamics GP VBA.

We had to overcome several challenges on the way to do this, I'd like to hear if anyone else has a more elegant technique.

First, we had to get the name of the report server and report from an ini file. Normally I'd store config data in SQL, but I'm trying to stay as light as possible and I don't know of any other way to do this so we use GetPrivateProfileString.

Second, we had to open a browser from VBA; so we used ShellExecute for that.

 The code below is fully commented.
Version: GP 2010
Section: VBA
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