It's our habit to post working eConnect XML documents, because when you're trying to figure one out, this is very helpful.
This is the PMTransacitonType document with the Analytical Accounting schema being used.
This is a working document. |
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 11992 Stored Procedure= Error Description = Error Codes were not found in table DYNAMICS..taErrorCode. Please insure that the table taErrorCode is up to update. 11992
You just gotta love 'no error description', right? |
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 936 Stored Procedure= taPMDistribution Error Description = Vendor number does not exist
Node Identifier Parameters: taPMDistribution
VCHRNMBR = 00000131218
VENDORID = 96422
</taPMDistribution> |
Upgrading Dynamics GP from GP 2010 to GP 2015 and when running GP Utilities I get a message "Company is being updated by another client". |
I am doing an upgrade for a client from GP 2010 to GP 2015, two box upgrade. The first message I got when launching GP was
Then I got a wonderful error
I have a hard time remembering the URL for the web client... so it's here. |
When launching the web client, we're getting the error
You are not allowed to used Microsoft Dynamics GP
Please sign out and sign in with an authorized account.
We've found two causes for this error. One is covered by Mariano here:
and the second is below.
We are currently using Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management and have decided to combine 2 entities into one. What would be the best way to handle this merger? |
Are there Fixed Asset objects available in the Web Services API? I cannot find any documentation or information after hours of searching. |
One of our external systems generates numerous output files into a format that are swept up nightly by a Dynamics integration.
As a result there are batches that then need to be manually processed, each time a batch is processed the posting journal is printed to .pdf and saved to a directory. As a company we are attempting to streamline our closing process and looking for ways to do this.
One suggestion has been to have the Integration post all of the batches and print each posting journal to the specific directory. Upon observing the processand asking questions I discovered that the batch names change daily using the date name convention. I looked at eOnes tools however that works for specifically named batches so that a filter or condition can be set, this will not work for us. Is this even possible to automate and remove the human element with the exception of having an individual only be involved should there be an error log?
Thank you
necesito agregar información a las lineas de pedidos, y deseo utilizar la tabla SOP10202 ya que relaciona el SOPNUMBE y LNITMSEQ.
La pregunta es ¿en que parte de la ventana de entrada de transacción de ventas se encuentran los campos a llenar para que se almacenen en esta tabla?
I need to add information to the SOP Order Lines, and want to use the table as it relates SOP10202 SOPNUMBE and LNITMSEQ .
The question is which part of the sales transaction input window of the are filling fields to be stored in this table?
Hi I am creating an XML file that is posted via eConnect. It is all seemingly working except this validation error, and I can't really figure out why. Here is my code, this basically creates an xml file. I've tried all sorts of decimal places for unit cost. Have even created a record in dynamics, looked up DECPLCUR which is 9, and still it doesn't want to validate. What am I missing?
POPReceivingsType oPOPReceivingsType = new POPReceivingsType();
taPopRcptHdrInsert invoiceHeader = new taPopRcptHdrInsert();
taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert line1=new taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert();
taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert line2 = new taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert();
invoiceHeader.POPRCTNM = "R000094";
invoiceHeader.POPTYPE = 3; //Shipping/invoice
invoiceHeader.VNDDOCNM = "8751";
invoiceHeader.VENDORID = "LEAFRIVE0001";// "TAN002";
invoiceHeader.VENDNAME = "Leaf River Paging Systems";//Tank2Create";
invoiceHeader.CURNCYID = "GBP";
invoiceHeader.SUBTOTAL = Convert.ToDecimal(123.2);
invoiceHeader.TAXAMNT = Convert.ToDecimal(24.64);
invoiceHeader.TAXSCHID = "PSTD";
invoiceHeader.PYMTRMID = "30 Days";
invoiceHeader.receiptdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
oPOPReceivingsType.taPopRcptHdrInsert = invoiceHeader;
//add lines
line1.POPTYPE = 3;
line1.POPRCTNM = "R000094";
line1.CURNCYID = "GBP";
line1.NONINVEN = 1;
line1.ITEMNMBR = "LANYARDS x 30";
line1.ITEMDESC = "LANYARDS x 30";
line1.UOFM = "Each";
line1.QTYINVCD = 1;
line1.QTYSHPPD = 1;
line1.UNITCOST = Decimal.Parse("43.200000000");
line1.EXTDCOST = Decimal.Parse("43.200000000");
line1.UNITCOSTSpecified = true;
line1.RCPTLNNM = 1;
line1.VENDORID = "LEAFRIVE0001";
line1.LOCNCODE = "01-N";
line1.INVINDX = 1;
line2.POPTYPE = 3;
line2.POPRCTNM = "R000094";
line2.CURNCYID = "GBP";
line2.NONINVEN = 1;
line2.INVINDX = 2;
line2.UOFM = "Each";
line2.QTYINVCD = 1;
line2.QTYSHPPD = 1;
line2.UNITCOST = Decimal.Parse("80.000000000");
line2.UNITCOSTSpecified = true;
line2.EXTDCOST = Decimal.Parse("80.000000000");
line2.RCPTLNNM = 2;
line2.VENDORID = "LEAFRIVE0001";
line2.LOCNCODE = "01-N";
oPOPReceivingsType.taPopRcptLineInsert_Items = new taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert[2];
oPOPReceivingsType.taPopRcptLineInsert_Items[0] = line1;
oPOPReceivingsType.taPopRcptLineInsert_Items[1] = line2;
eConnectType eConnect = new eConnectType();
eConnect.POPReceivingsType = new POPReceivingsType[1];
eConnect.POPReceivingsType[0] = oPOPReceivingsType;
// Create a file to hold the serialized eConnect XML document
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(fs, new UTF8Encoding());
// Serialize the eConnect document object to the file using the XmlTextWriter.
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(eConnect.GetType());
serializer.Serialize(writer, eConnect);
writer.Close(); |
Hi, so I am trying to instert some test records into the receivings Transaction module, but cannot seem to get past the tax. Now, I think the issue might be what I am using for Tax Schedule and Tax detail, as I've just grabbed a couple of the sample db's items. I have applied 20% tax to the tax amounts, and don't know whether this has an impact on the tax schedule/details that are used in order to calculate the right amount of tax
Error Message:
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException: Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 843 Stored Procedure= taPopRcptHdrInsert Error Description = Tax detail amount (TAXAMNT + FRTTXAMT + MSCTXAMT) does not match the header taxamount
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eConnect xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true"/>
<taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true"/>
<taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil="true"/>
<taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopRcptLotInsert_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopRcptSerialInsert_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopRcptMultiBin_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopRcptLineTaxInsert_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopRctUserDefined xsi:nil="true"/>
<taPopDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
<VENDNAME>Leaf River Paging Systems</VENDNAME>
<taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
</eConnect> |
Currently our Credit Memos age in Great Plains.
However, CM's have a due date the same date as the credit memo was run. I need to have the due date show up according
to payment terms the same as sales/invoices do.
On Unapplied payments, even though they age, the due date shows on all of them as 1/1/1900. Can this be corrected to
show according to terms as well?
Are these modifications possible? |
I was wondering whether someone could point me in the right direction for how to set up an eConnect client that posts to a different server? It is probably on this site staring me in the face but I can't see it!
What I am referencing is when you run an eConnect on a server straight off, you get an error message as below
How can I change this within my application to set this url to
Thanks for your help |
Hi Guys
I'm receiving this message when I transfer an Order to an Invoice in the Sales transaction Entry Window. But the weird thing is that my company don't use this feature and I have the VAT Daybook disable.
How can this message be appearing ?
I'm using Dynamics GP 2013 SP1
Thank You
I know that this is an eConnect integration pulling in a sales invoice into GP , I have never seen this type of error. Normally an error will occur if there is an error in a posted batch with incorrect source data.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 200 Stored Procedure= taRMDistribution Error Description = Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value
Node Identifier Parameters: taRMDistribution
DOCNUMBR = MG3901069
CUSTNMBR = 67510
Error Number = 40001 Stored Procedure= Error Description = Error Codes were not found in table DYNAMICS..taErrorCode. Please insure that the table taErrorCode is up to update. 40001
In our company we already import all commissions we pay to our Channel Partners as Payables Invoices using SOAP Webservices
Now we want to import ACH payments from a file returned by our Bank as Manual Payments and .
We don't see this operation on Webservices WSDL, We use linux/PHP on our systems.
Can you please point me to the right mechanism we hace to use to achieve this. |
I've been scratching my head on this.... in GP, when you create a cash receipt and don't immediately apply it, but then wait a month and then apply it... what is the APPLY date? Is that date used in the Historical Aged Trial balance - if so what is it? Is it the DATE1 field in Rm20201?
thanks in advance!
Mark |
I am experimenting with using eConnect XML to insert / update inventory items. So far my tests have lead me to construct the following message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
However this message fails with the following cryptic error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'IVSCRVIX', table 'TTS.dbo.IV00101'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
Is this un-documented column mapped to an XML element?What does it normally hold?
Am I missing any elements or structure in the above XML message?
Stephen |
Hi Guys very quick one, the live server I've deployed an eConnect app to requires the eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Integration service installed.
Whereabouts is this installation available?
Thanks |