

This article details a series of SQL scripts that will allow you to create Dynamics GP POs using the stored procedures that power eConnect. 

The steps involved:

  • Create staging tables that will hold the PO header and line data
  • Populate the tables
  • Call the ddtaPOPTransactionTypeWrapper stored procedure.
  • This proc callse two other procs: ddtaPOHdrWrapper and ddtaPOLineWrapper

All the calls are wrapped in error trapping, if any errors occur all the data is reversed and the error is reported.

I forget the syntax for the more complicated versions of Databinder.Eval in ASP.NET pages, this article will give some quick examples
This is a code sample for how to hide the DELETE button in a Telerik ASP.NET RadGrid

OK... bit of a soap box here. But I've been coding SQL for a lot of years, and I can tell from experience that there is very little consistency in formatting SQL, and some methods are better than others. Here's what I do.

I've read what the 'experts' say... and sometimes they're wrong too <smiles>



Trapping the button presses for Post, Transfer, Copy, Delete, and Void in SOP Transaction Entry is something of a trick. The technique to do it is below. 


I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but time was an issue so I just threw this together. 

This is a script that will give you (for each warehouse) a running total of the Quantity On Hand, and the exact transaction that changed it. 

We're using this to help the stock count people, they're counting in the middle of the day when stock is moving all around them. (sigh)

The results look like this. 


I have a working project, I copied it and move some components to a new project and started having Crystal errors. The specific error is 

Could not load file or assembly crdb_adodb.dll

The very simple solution is below

Wouldn't you like to be able to call a stored procedure from .NET with one line of code? 

The classes below show how to make this happen. Look at how easy it is to use!


Every experienced developer has code like this in their library. So, if this this is you, I challenge you to provide code that meets these criteria:

  • Easier to use than mine
  • Is designed for an entry level coder. In order to do this, I stripped out all the 'embellishments' that I have in my library code, with the aim of getting data access done QUICKLY. Quick is the word, and the code below is quick.


Public Class UsageExample
    Sub Main()
        'This is an example of calling a stored procedure with one line of code.
        'in order to make this work, copy the following three classes into your code, then call them as you see below.
        'this will execute a stored procedure
        QuickDataAccess.dd_MyStoredProcedure("123", "GPSQL", "TWO").execute()
        'this will call a stored procedure and return a dataset
        Dim oDT As DataTable = QuickDataAccess.dd_MyStoredProcedure("123", "GPSQL", "TWO").getTable
    End Sub
End Class


It happens all the time that my Visual Studio Intellisense stops working. 

I read all kinds of things that may or may not work, including the obvious 'close and open' Visual Studio

I'm going to try and compile things that work here, so I don't have to do the internet search every time... but for now, just one thing that worked recently

Do you have something that works for you? Add in in the comments below

Scenario -

We have a smart connect object that integrates sales invoices. It works great. Is it possible to modify the smart connect object to create an excel file and stores the file on the network that contains one row for each invoice created? 

We bring in approx. 650 Invoices each month from a separate billing system into GP. The source file is an excel csv file. After the invoices are created in GP (in a Sales Batch) we want to create an excel file with the invoices stored in that batch.

Thanks in advance - would be happy to share more information if needed.



Error: QTYFULFI can not be used with a Quote, Return, or Backorder type document

Dynamics GP Web Client Error - A problem occurred creating a session

I have one user can access GP web client but the other users cannot access dynamics GP web client and received 

A problem occurred creating a session issue 

the user who can access the web client is the user that used in the installation process but not the service user

any other user cannot access and receive that message

Buen día, conoce alguien la ruta o el flujo que sigue un cheque cuando ha sido hecho y contabilizado.

algo así como un diagrama de flujo de un cheque..

el problema es que se están generando cheques duplicados y saltos de secuencia. Nuestros cheques son numerados fisicamente , por tanto estos errores requieren la anulación de los los cheques impresos y las transacciones.


Edit 11/27/21

Good day, does anyone know the route or flow that a check follows when it has been made and posted? Something like a flowchart of a check.

The problem is that duplicate checks and sequence breaks are being generated. Our checks are physically numbered, so these errors require the cancellation of paper checks and transactions.



Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables