

Telerik has a pretty cool control called a RadAutoCompleteBox that acts kind of like the Google search bar. 

I'm trying to style the items in the list so that some of the entries have a different format (the box displays items, and I want the discontinued ones to be red)

I emailed support, and the answer is below


Realized just now that we don't have a basic example for the RadAutoComplete box. It's so much handier to copy and paste code like this into a project than to type it out by hand. 

I'm writing an ASP>NET screen today and it needs a detail template, and a button inside the detail template that I need to response to. 

I've not done this before (we have code examples for everything we do on this site, it's super handy) and their web site didn't have examples that I could find so I wrote to support (which is REALLY great) and got the code below for how to do this. I'll probably re-code this in a simpler manner, but for now I just wanted to blog this code so I don't lose it. 


We have some code for RadAsyncUpload on the site, but this is a fuller example

Error: Tax detail (TAXDTLID) already exists



I have a customer who had a new person that inadvertently changed the journal entry number on 2 transactions to ones that were already used in 2017.  They know how to do a backout and correcting entry but asked me how to restrict this from being overwritten during transaction entry.  I tried Field Level Security that would not allow a disable or lock on the field because it is a required field.  

Has anyone been able to lock this down?


Buen día, tengo un problema con ajustes de inventario. Cuando se crea un ajuste y se contabiliza el articulo no sufre cambio en su disponible. El efecto real es el siguiente:

El articulo tiene en existencia 100 unidades y creo un ajuste de -10, lo contabilizo y la existencia continua en 100 unidades y al revisar los saldo, estos se modifican de tal manera que si los analizas no observas discrepancias. gp2018


Good morning, I have a problem with inventory adjustments. When an adjustment is created and the item is posted, there is no change in its availability. The actual effect is as follows:

The item has 100 units in stock and I created an adjustment of -10, I account for it and the stock continues at 100 units and when reviewing the balances, they are modified in such a way that if you analyze them you do not observe any discrepancies. gp2018

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