

My friend Corey and I used to have a running complaint called 'things that bug me'. I don't see Corey so much any more - so I'll just share this with you


Things that bug me:

  • Overly cheerful Starbucks employees
  • People that respond to emails or IMs with one word. (now I have to stop what I'm doing to read 'OK' or 'Thanks')
  • Baseball stadiums that sell salad
  • People that buy salads at baseball games (ok, that should only be one... but it really bugs me)
  • People that send an email that says 'call me'. Dude, I'm a programmer. I sit here all day. Instead of making me read your email, just dial my number.
  • People that walk around all day with their blue tooth headset on. It's like at any minute you will become less important than the really important phone call that they're about to get.
  • Teenagers that send text messages while looking you in the eye. Have you seen this? It's hard to believe it's possible. If you're talking to a teen and wonding why their hand looks busy in their pocket, they're probably texting someone much more interesting than you. If you think about it, that's probably anyone. (sigh)
  • People that call back on caller ID when you dialed a wrong number. So, you dial a wrong number and hang up quickly and dial the right number, then they call you and ask who you are and why did you call them. I'm gonna start telling them that I'm from the Doctor's office and their spouse's test results are in and it looks like an STD.


I'll keep filling this in. Maybe it'll be therepudic. Maybe they'll read it out loud at my trial and ask me if I remember writing it. You never know.

I am trying to get data from a windows form into an xml file. The xml file has a parent node of <Orders> with child nodes <Order>. I am having trouble getting <Order> into <Orders>. I am just getting multiple parent nodes of <Order>. The text in each respective textbox is put into the correct fields, I just can't seem to figure out how to the get parent node in place. Here is my code. What do I need to add in order to create the <Orders> parent node and have the <Order> objects within it? I know this isn't exactly an eConnect question, but it is related as this is the program we want to use to create the file for eConnect to create our invoices in GP.

Where the <Order> is created....

Public Sub CreateOrder()

o = New Order

o.OrderID = tbOrderID.Text

o.Name = tbName.Text

o.Company = tbCompany.Text

o.Address1 = tbAddress1.Text

o.Address2 = tbAddress2.Text

o.Address3 = tbAddress3.Text

o.City = tbCity.Text

o.State = cbState.SelectedItem

o.Zip = tbZip.Text

o.Shipping = cbShipping.SelectedItem

o.Email = ""

o.Phone = tbPhone.Text

o.Qty = tbQty.Text

o.ItemNo = tbItemNo.Text

Dim objStreamWriter As New StreamWriter("C:\FlukerOrders.xml", 1)

Dim length As New Integer

length = OrderCol.Count

x =
New XmlSerializer(o.GetType)

x.Serialize(objStreamWriter, o)


End Sub


Public Class Order

Private strName As String

Private strOrderID As String

Private strCompany As String

Private strAddress1 As String

Private strAddress2 As String

Private strAddress3 As String

Private strCity As String

Private strState As String

Private strZip As String

Private strShipping As String

Private strEmail As String

Private strPhone As String

Private strQty As String

Private strItemNo As String

Public Property OrderID() As String


OrderID = strOrderID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strOrderID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Name() As String


Name = strName

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strName = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Company() As String


Company = strCompany

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strCompany = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Address1() As String


Address1 = strAddress1

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strAddress1 = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Address2() As String


Address2 = strAddress2

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strAddress2 = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Address3() As String


Address3 = strAddress3

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strAddress3 = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property City() As String


City = strCity

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strCity = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property State() As String


State = strState

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strState = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Zip() As String


Zip = strZip

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strZip = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Shipping() As String


Shipping = strShipping

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strShipping = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Email() As String


Email = strEmail

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strEmail = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Phone() As String


Phone = strPhone

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strPhone = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property Qty() As String


Qty = strQty

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strQty = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property ItemNo() As String


ItemNo = strItemNo

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As String)

strItemNo = Value

End Set

End Property

End Class

Element name Data type Length Required Default Description
Option i4 2 Y Not applicable Transaction option:
1=Enter transaction;
2=Enter receipt
CMTrxType i4 2 N 3 Transaction type (only used when Option=1):
5=Increase adjustment; 6=Decrease adjustment
RcpType i4 2 N 1 Receipt type (only used when Option=2):
3=Credit card
TRXDATE datetime 16 N Transaction date; default is system date
CHEKBKID string 15 Y Not applicable Checkbook ID
CURNCYID string 15 N Currency ID; default is currency assigned to the checkbook
CMTrxNum string 20 Y Not applicable Transaction number
CARDNAME string 15 N Credit card name; required when RcpType=3
paidtorcvdfrom string 30 N Paid to: when Option=1
Rcvd from: when Option=2
DSCRIPTN string 30 N Description
TRXAMNT number 21 Y Not applicable Transaction amount
USERID string 15 N User ID; default is eBusiness
GLPOSTDT datetime 16 N GL posting date; default is TRXDATE
DistRef string 30 N Distribution reference; only used for required default distribution
BACHNUMB string 15 N GL batch number
For additional information, see Bank Reconciliationi
XCHGRATE number 21 N 0 Exchange rate
RATETPID string 15 N Rate type ID
EXPNDATE datetime 16 N Expiration date
EXCHDATE datetime 16 N Exchange date
EXGTBDSC string 30 N Exchange ID description
EXTBLSRC string 50 N Exchange rate source
RATEEXPR i4 2 N Default is from setup Rate expiration:
DYSTINCR i4 2 N Default is from setup Days to increment; only used when RATEEXPR=8
RATEVARC number 21 N 0 Rate variance
TRXDTDEF i4 2 N Default is from setup Transaction date default: 0=Exact date;
1=Next date;
2=Previous date
RTCLCMTD i4 2 N Default is from setup Rate calculation method: 0=Multiply;
PRVDSLMT i4 2 N 0 Previous days limit
DATELMTS i4 2 N 0 Date limits:
TIME1 datetime 16 N Time 1; if not passed in, field used for finding XCHGRATE
gpMods.dll: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information

I search for hours for this one, apparently it can be caused by lots of things. In my case, I got the error deploying a project from a dev server, where it worked just fine, to a production server.


Deployment Methodology for Dynamics GP Dictionary Files


When installing Dynamics GP files, a decision is made as to where the files will be stored. This white paper will discuss the different options and the benefits of each.

The different methods we will discuss are:

  • Leaving the files in their default location (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP)
  • Moving the report and forms dictionary (forms.dic and reports.dic) to a network share
  • Having the files reside in a source directory and pulling them to the workstation daily

I haved done some transaction by creating custom xml node in econnect and by creating custom stored procdure.

Every thing is working fine. BUt i just want to get the confirmation .

1) Is there any limit for the number of node in a single XML document which is send to entryPoint .


Please help me


Hello everyone,

As you know there are sales documents and everyone of them has SOP Type number, like this :

Quote : 1

Order : 2

Invoice: 3

Return: 4

I want to know how to change them. For example, changing Invoice from 3 to 4.

Note: I already ask this question on Dynamic GP Group at Google, I hope getting the answer from here.

With Regards,

Hussain Al-Yousef

Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables