

Short code example for adding a Context Menu to a Telerik Winforms RadGrid. I've had this code in my library for years, but I'm writing this down today because I needed to make one of the items bold and that little piece of knowledge was hard to find. 

If you know an easier way, please LMK


ViewCellFormatting event is fired for all cells. If you want to format the grouping row or the header cells, you should use this event.

CellFormatting is called for each column in your row

Here's some code from a recent project. The idea is to show you how to format group and detail cells at the same time. This could also be used to format header cells. 

I've got functionality in an application that allows me to log on as a specific user; that allows me to test the security for that user or a class of users. 

The problem is that part of the functionality for the app is to write config files to the user's profile that saves form/grid state. When I do this with my admin account, I end up writing a config file that has my security; and then when the user logs on that can't access the config file and that generates a permissions error (can't open file)

So... Below is code to add myself AND the user to the security profile for a folder so that we're both covered. No more perm errors. 

Hi!   Trying to add a custom SQL view or table to Report Writer so i can add these fields to an SOP Posted invoice.

Can't seem to remember how to add and link the new table.  It's not part of any dictionary and I thought there was a trick to it.  Cannot add a new table to the Tables list since it is greyed out.  Can someone help me jog my memory!  Google searches only help once you see the Table in the list as a resource. I need to add the table in first.




I am creating a .NET API when i encounter the error and in exception console I see the following:


        public IHttpActionResult CreateInvoice([FromBody] PayablesInvoiceModel invoiceModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);
                DynamicsGPClient wsDynamicsGP = new DynamicsGPClient();
                // Create a context with which to call the web service
                Context context = new Context();
                // Specify which company
                CompanyKey companyKey = new CompanyKey();
                companyKey.Id = (-1);
                // Set up the context
                context.OrganizationKey = companyKey;
                PayablesInvoice payinv = new PayablesInvoice();
                PayablesDocumentKey payInvKey = new PayablesDocumentKey();
                payinv.Key = payInvKey;
                payinv.BatchKey = invoiceModel.batchId;
                payinv.Description = invoiceModel.description;
                payinv.VendorDocumentNumber = invoiceModel.vendorDocumentNumber;
                payinv.PONumber = invoiceModel.PONumber;
                payinv.PurchasesAmount = invoiceModel.PurchasesAmount;
                payinv.VendorKey = invoiceModel.VendorId;
                payinv.MiscellaneousAmount = invoiceModel.MiscellaneousAmount;
                payinv.FreightAmount = invoiceModel.FreightAmount;
                Policy payablesInvoicePolicy;
                payablesInvoicePolicy = wsDynamicsGP.GetPolicyByOperation("CreatePayablesInvoice", context);
                // Create the Invoice
                wsDynamicsGP.CreatePayablesInvoice(payinv, context, payablesInvoicePolicy );
                return Created(new Uri(Request.RequestUri + "/"), invoiceModel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log exception details here as needed
                return InternalServerError(ex); // Return 500 error code
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