
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 6418  Stored Procedure= taPAContracts  Error Description = Invalid Contract ID. The Contract ID can not be changed.
Node Identifier Parameters: taPAContracts
  <PAcontid>18.ACC.BRS0    </PAcontid>
  <PAcontname>Example Project Name           </PAcontname>
  <PAcontclassid>PMAPP          </PAcontclassid>
  <PAUD2_Cont>BRS001                                             </PAUD2_Cont>
  <PAContMgrID>NEELY          </PAContMgrID>
  <PABusMgrID>NEELY          </PABusMgrID>
<eConnect xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
    <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
      <PAcontid>18.ACC.BRS0    </PAcontid>
      <PAcontname>Example Project Name           </PAcontname>
      <PAcontclassid>PMAPP          </PAcontclassid>
      <PAUD2_Cont>BRS001                                             </PAUD2_Cont>
      <PAContMgrID>NEELY          </PAContMgrID>
      <PABusMgrID>NEELY          </PABusMgrID>
    <taPAContractBillingCycle_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAAccountsSetup_Items xsi:nil="true" />
        <PAprojid>18.ACC.BRS1    </PAprojid>
        <PAprojname>Test Change Order              </PAprojname>
        <PAprjclsid>PMAPP          </PAprjclsid>
        <PAprojmngrid>NEELY          </PAprojmngrid>
        <PABusMgrID>NEELY          </PABusMgrID>
        <PAUD2_Proj>BRS001                                             </PAUD2_Proj>
    <taPAProjectBillingCycle_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAProjectAccess_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAProjectEquip_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAProjectFeeSchedule_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAProjectFee_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPAProjectBudgetMaster_Items xsi:nil="true" />

This is example XML document for the eConnect SOPVoidDocumentType. 

We also have sample .NET code, here

On first glance, you might say 'that seems too easy to write about'... but give it a thought. 

If you have a custom text box:

And you're storing the content into SOP10106, you have to break it into 4 strings, (COMMENT_1, etc.) and then store the entire text in CMMTTEXT.

In the example above, we just parse on the vbCRLF chars and go on. But what about this one:

64 words, 419 characters. No vbCRLFs. What logic do we use now? We'll cover that. 

Hola, haber si alguno puede ayudarme. la maquina que genera los estados de cuenta se des configuro algo que impide que se envíen. si alguien tiene un procedimiento para hacer o revisar estas configuraciones, le agradeceré me ayuden con esto..

Hello, I'd like to see if someone can help me. The machine that generates the account statements is configured somehow that is preventing them from being sent. If someone has a procedure to do or review these configurations, I will be grateful if you can help me with this.



Hi everyone,

When you create a payable payment batch, you select either check or EFT, and then pick the invoices to pay. My question is...did anyone think about creating ONE batch (instead of one for checks and one for EFT) and then transmit based on their default Remit To address.

Imagine you have 200 invoices to pay and you have to create 2 separate batches one with checks and the other for EFT alone...what a mess that would be.

As far as I know, there are no out-of-the box solution from Dynamics. Have anyone thought about it or considered modifying the process?



Please can anyone point me to the Dexterity section for GP2013? I need some manuals, sample code etc.


Hi all - anyone ever come accross this error?  

ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

It happened suddenly starting this week and no one knows why. When launching IM for GP 2015 it happens.  

This is a real head scratcher - any ideas are welcome.

I have a custom screen created in GP using a custom table. I want to add a new field/column to the screen/table in Dexterity. What's the best way to do this?

I have tried adding the field in Dex, Adding it to the table and adding the column in SQL. As soon as I add the field to table in Dex, the screen stops working. I remove the field in Dex leaving column in SQL and screen still works fine. Someone told me to remove the column from SQL, add it in Dex and run the program and it will add the column to SQL and that does not work either. I am stuck and cannot find instructions for this anywhere. I have gone thru all the dex manuals and still cannot find instructions.


Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PKPA01901'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PA01901'. 


that is the whole econnect error. I've read a couple comments on this and i understand its a concurrency issue. i am using the econnect method GetNextPOPReceiptNumber in our code.


What i am trying to find is where that next po receipt number is stored in the Dynamics SQL tables so i can run a custom method to check the next receipt.



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