AbrahamA 7/15/2008 1:23:12 PM

(L) dms_Address1' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry' error

I am receiving an error and the following dynamics.txt file when I start GP utilities.  I do not receive an error in GP and the mods work fine.  Is this anything to be concerned with?

'(L) dms_Address1' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
'(L) dms_Address2' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
'(L) dms_CityStateZip' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
'(L) dms_ContactName' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
'(L) ContactPerson' of window 'RM_Cash_Receipts' of form 'RM_Cash_Receipts'


Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

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