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 Display Name
 SY00300Account Format Setup
 SY00400Work Menu Master
 SY00500Posting Definitions Master

The SY00500 is unusual in that it is used slightly differently for each module.

Bill of Materials


Payables Management Payments Entry


Dynamics posting relies upon the Batch Activity File (SY_Batch_Activity_MSTR) and the 'Batch Status' field in the Posting Definitions Master File (Batch_Headers) to prevent users from accessing transactions that have been prepared for posting.

When a user selects a batch to post, Dynamics sets the 'Batch Status' field in the batch's corresponding Batch_Headers record to the constant BATCH_POSTING, indicating that the batch is ready for posting. At this point, the user cannot edit transactions in the batch unless they unmark the batch, at which time the status changes to OKAY. See the field values for 'Batch Status' in the following Field Descriptions for descriptions of these constants.

When posting starts, Dynamics adds an activity record to the SY_Batch_Activity_MSTR file, indicating that the batch is posting. This record also tracks the batch source, transaction source, and batch number for the batch. This record remains in the Dynamics system as long as the batch continues to post.

When posting and printing are complete, Dynamics removes the activity record from the SY_Batch_Activity_MSTR file (if the batch isn't recurring), and clears the 'Batch Status' field in the Batch_Headers record. No access violations will occur when a user is updating the transaction or any distributions associated with it, since the batch activity record locks all users out of the batch that's being posted.

Dynamics uses the Batch_Headers file according to the following guidelines:
- Marking a batch to post sets the Batch Status field to BATCH_POSTING, or 1. When a user begins posting transactions, Dynamics creates a batch activity record for the marked batch.
- The user can't delete or edit the batch or the transactions in the batch if the Batch Status field has a marked status (field values 1-3).
- When a user deletes a batch, it's important that you delete the batch header record last, since the flag on that record stops other users from accessing the batch.

How IV uses the Batch_Headers file
Each transaction in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file must be assigned to a batch. The batch header record for the batch should exist before any transactions are added to the work file for the batch. The 'Batch Status' of the batch header record should be set to BATCH_RECEIVING while any transactions are being added to the system from an outside source. Also, there should be a record added to the SY_Batch_Activity_MSTR file. This record should have the 'Posting' field set to true, thereby preventing other users from working in the batch until the transfer has been completed.

 SY00600Company Location Master
 SY00700Window Notes Master
 SY00900Source Document Master
 SY01000Audit Trail Codes
 SY01100Posting Account Master
 SY01200Internet Addresses
 SY01201Custom Links
 SY01300Process Monitor Information
 SY01401User Defaults
 SY02200Posting Journal Destinations
 SY02300Posting Settings
 SY02500Routines Master
 SY02800End Routines Check Master
 SY03000Shipping Methods Master
 SY03100Credit Card Master
 SY03300Payment Terms Master
 SY03400File Maintenance Error Log
 SY03900Record Notes Master
 SY04200Comment Master
 SY04800Internet Address Prompts
 SY04900Email Options
 SY04901Email Messages
 SY04902Email Series Setup
 SY04903Email Series Documents
 SY04904Email Card Setup
Powers the Customer Email Options form off the Customer Maintenance form
 SY04905Email Card Documents
 SY04910Email Details
 SY04911Email Temp
 SY04912Email Attachment Temp
 SY04915Email History
 SY05500Extended Pricing Locks
 SY06000Address Electronic Funds Transfer Master
 SY07250List Action Status Header
 SY07255List Action Status Line
 Display Name
 SY20030Report Template Entity Assignments
Work Tables
 Display Name
 Display Name
Handles document Attachments
 SY40100Period Setup

The user interface (UI) for the fiscal period master is based on values in the PSERIES fields for all records with the SERIES as 0. So what the user sees on the fiscal period setup window are records which have the series values as 0. For these records, the columns like CLOSED, ODESCTN will always be zero or blank. The FORIGIN field will always be 1 for all the records returned by the query above.

However, there are other records in the table which have a non zero value for the SERIES field, where the SERIES field represents the following modules

1 – Financial Transactions

2 – Sales/Receivables Transactions

3 – Purchasing/Payables Transactions

4 – Payroll Transactions

5 – Project Transactions

So for every type of transaction in each of these series, there will be a record, which will contain either 0 or 1 in the CLOSED field which indicates if the fiscal period is opened for the specific transaction type in the selected series. A 0 value for the CLOSED field indicates that the fiscal period is open for the specific transaction type and a value of 1 indicates that the fiscal period is closed for the specific transaction type.

So if you want to check if the fiscal period is opened for all the transactions in the Financial Series, you can use the following query.

        ODESCTN ,
        YEAR1 ,
        PERIODID ,
FROM    SY40100
WHERE   YEAR1 = 2017
        AND SERIES = 2


 SY40101Period Header
 SY40102Tax Period Setup
 SY40103Tax Period Header
 SY70100Report Group Master
 SY70200Series Report Groups
 SY70300Report Option Names
 SY70400Combined Report Groups
 SY70500System Report Options
 SY70501Company Report Options
 SY70600Report Destination
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